LABC Partner Authority Scheme
The LABC Partner Authority Scheme offers you the opportunity to work with one of our dedicated and experienced LABC surveyors for all your building regulations applications. The projects can be located anywhere in England and Wales. If you have particularly enjoyed working with one of our surveyors let us know.
Why partner with us?
Becoming a partner offers:
- one online submission route
- one set of plan check fees
- consistent interpretation of the building regs
- all your plans checked by one of our building control surveyors
- pre-app and on-going advice as and when you need it.
- quick building regulation application quote from one of our Building Control team
- electronic submission and E-working with you and the inspecting authority
- we aim to check deposited Full Plans applications, once validated, within 10 days
- liaison on your behalf with LABC colleagues at the project location
- site inspections by the local professional building control team with invaluable in-depth knowledge
- in-depth expertise on structure, acoustics, warranties, access, energy and sustainability from LABC specialists
- use of the LABC Partner logo on all your marketing materials

Who can become a partner?
We work successfully with over 40 Partners. They include developers, contractors and architects practices, sole practitioner designers and builders. They all benefit from having a strong working relationship with their dedicated building control surveyor.
How to join
If you would like to discuss Partnering with us please call us 01403 215151 or email