Climate and environment

We are committed to tackling climate change

On these pages you will find details of our key project areas dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint, protecting our environment and becoming a carbon neutral and climate resilient District. There are also some top tips to help you make a start and even save on your bills too!

Check out our progress below and find out how you too can make simple changes to make a big difference, and don't miss the top stories by signing up to our monthly email newsletter.


Climate Action Strategy

The Climate Action Strategy is a recommended pathway to becoming a net zero and climate resilient District by 2050 that unites residents, organisations, businesses, the Council, and its key partners.

Council's design showing

Reducing the Council's carbon emissions

We are committed to taking practical steps to tackle climate change. See how we are progressing on delivering our targets to become a carbon neutral council.

Wilder Horsham District

Wilder Horsham District

The Council has initiated a unique and innovative five year partnership with the Sussex Wildlife Trust. The project aims to deliver a Horsham District Nature Recovery Network to help wildlife thrive, and to support local communities to improve their local natural environment. A Nature Recovery Fund has been set up to support this project.

Community Climate Fund logo

The Community Climate Fund

Community action is an important part of reducing carbon emissions across the District. We have launched a Community Climate Fund to support community projects that reduce carbon emissions and improve the physical environment in a way that also benefits the wider community.

The Community Climate Fund logo is displayed because a photo of the project is unavailable


Read our Biodiversity Duty Report and a Declaration for River Recovery, highlighting the actions the Council intends to take to enhance biodiversity within the District.

Climate and environment news

Find project updates and inspirational ideas in our dedicated climate news section.

Horsham District Council Director of Communities Paul Anderson with the bronze carbon literacy certificate

Celebrating our Bronze Carbon Literacy Award

Horsham District Council’s dedication towards tackling climate change has been recognised by the Carbon Literacy Project with the receipt of our Bronze Carbon Literacy Award.

Food waste action week image

Food Waste Action Week 2025

Around a third of the average rubbish bin in West Sussex is food waste - most of which is avoidable. Read our top food waste prevention tips as part of the #FightAgainstFoodWaste campaign.

Get involved: Top tips, advice and support for residents

Our latest news and top tips are kept regularly updated in our Climate Action blog posts so do keep an eye on this in the News section above.

We have also added this extra section to offer you some general ideas on how to:

Read our top tips and ideas page