Community Climate Fund Success Stories

Below are examples of how the Council's Community Climate Fund is improving environmental and social standards throughout the District.  These stories exemplify how to meet the grant criteria to implement climate action locally.

The Climate Change Action Map reflects how the climate network is growing across Horsham District and West Sussex. Do not forget to plot your projects onto WSCC's map!

The Community Climate Fund logo is displayed because a photo of the project is unavailable

1st Shipley Scouts

Project Sunshine

Project cost: £10,824

Amount awarded: £5,000

Funding for this project allowed Shipley Scouts to install their own 16 panel solar PV system to generate solar energy and become more sustainable in terms of their impact as well as the long-term financial viability of the group. This reduced their carbon emissions by around 1.9 tonnes per year and has allowed them to share the space with others who would benefit from the rural location. It will help them save £2,050 per year across 25 years.

1st Storrington & Sullington Scout Group

1st Storrington & Sullington Scouts

Queen Elizabeth II Community Garden

Project cost: £2,791

Amount awarded: £955

The community garden will introduce hot bin composting, rainwater harvesting and an insect hotel to support pollination.  This work will form  waste, water and biodiversity benefits, whilst developing environmental awareness amongst the children involved.

2nd Horsham Scout's Eco-Project

2nd Horsham Scout Group

Energy, Water and Waste Eco-Project I

Project cost: £1,000

Amount awarded: £1,000

The Community Climate Funding has allowed 2nd Horsham Scouts to install a rainwater harvesting system to avoid using 25,000 litres of mains water annually. In addition, two hot composters will continue to reduce landfill disposal and the installation of a heating programmer is predicted to reduce carbon emitted for energy by 20%.

Two young scouts hold up water saving awareness signs where the automatic taps will be installed

2nd Horsham Scout Group

Energy, Water and Waste Eco-Project II

Project cost:  £1,381

Amount awarded : £1,000

A second successful application in 2022 went towards automatic water taps and LED lighting.  Their lead fundraiser said “the Community Climate Funding has allowed us to become more sustainable in lowering our carbon footprint and environmental impact as well as reducing our running costs. Our initiatives have help create, a bright, clean and operationally efficient environment which is more accessible to all.”

5th 10th Horsham Scouts

5th/10th Horsham Scouts

Solar PV and LED Lighting Installation

Project cost: £21,919

Amount awarded: £5,000

This project enabled solar PV installation for renewable electricity generation and batteries for on-site storage. On top of this, funding supported a switch to LED lights in an attempt to reduce lighting costs by 50%. These actions represent 5th/10th Horsham scouts' ambitious target of saving 64 tonnes of Carbon emissions over 20 years.

Family being welcomed to Amberly museum grounds

Amberley Museum

Energy Saving

Project cost: £4,662

Amount awarded: £2,500

Amberley Museum has saved around £200 per year on energy usage as well as saving around 1.82 tonnes of Carbon dioxide over five years by upgrading to LED lighting across the most commonly used areas within the site. This project has also raised awareness among the 4000 volunteers and staff about the financial benefits of reducing energy consumption in the museum and at home.

Picture of Barns Green Primary school children organised into a Thank you, viewed from above the school, allowing the new solar panels to be seen

Barns Green Primary School

Solar PV Installation

Project cost: £24,000

Amount awarded: £5,000

CCF funding is combining with other grants to drive Barns Green Primary School towards net zero. The project involves installing a 40 solar PV panel array to generate approximately 17,846 kWh of electricity generation per year. This will showcase climate action in the community and attaches to the environmental education featured as part of the school curriculum. Using West Sussex County Council’s estimates, they anticipate savings of 7 tonnes of carbon per annum.

Beeding and Bamber Village Hall's Solar PV and LED Lighting Installation

Beeding and Bramber Village Hall

Solar PV and LED Lighting Installation

Project cost: £15,114

Amount awarded: £4,714

This funding gave Beeding and Bramber Village Hall the financial support to complete their collaborative sustainable energy project. They worked with Greening Steyning, Brighton and Hove Energy Services Cooperative (BHESCo), Lightfoot LED and CC Solar to install a 5.94kWh solar PV array and LED lighting.  The project outcomes will be an estimated 33 tones of Carbon dioxide saved over 25 years and financial savings that will return value for community users.

The Community Climate Fund has allowed us to be a beacon for other organisations, in the village and beyond, to do something positive and change their carbon footprint.

Sue Albury (Beeding and Bramber Hall Chair of Trustees)

Billingshurst Men's Sheds

Billingshurst Men's Sheds

Shed Insulation Project

Project cost: £4,491

Amount awarded: £2,500

HDC are helping this local group launch by supporting their sustainable building.  The DIY project involving skilled volunteers will add insulation, as well as double-glazed doors and windows to the new shed facility.  Avoiding heaters across the colder months will save approximately 288kWh and 80kg Carbon dioxide per annum. Subsequently, it creates a warmer environment for users throughout the winter and reduces costs for a soon to be important community hub.

Find your local Men's Shed

Bicycle Rack at Chanctonbury Church

Chanctonbury Church

Bicycle Rack Installation

Project cost: £1,038

Amount awarded: £878

Installing a 5 capacity bicycle rack within the church grounds promotes sustainable mobility for both church visitors and the wider public. This action contributes towards a reduction in GHG emissions, air pollution and congestion locally, not to mention how it also help to encourage active lifestyles.

LED Lighting for Chanctonbury Leisure Centre

Chanctonbury Leisure Centre

LED Studio Replacement

Project cost: £11,858

Amount awarded: £5,000

Chanctonbury Community Leisure Centre and their users will benefit from an estimated annual saving of £6,583 due to an LED lighting upgrade in their studio (NRG Group,  2022). As a result, their carbon emissions will fall by 4.5 tonnes Carbon dioxide equivalent since LED's are much more efficient.

The Community Climate Fund logo is displayed because a photo of the project is unavailable

Colgate Memorial Hall

Solar Panel Installation

Project cost: £12,444

Amount awarded: £5,000

By installing a 13.05 kw system of 30 solar panels on the village hall roof, the memorial hall will be able to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by roughly 4.1 tonnes per year, while simultaneously helping them to reduce their overall energy costs by 72%. Helping the environment while saving money, as much as roughly £90,534 in savings over 30 years on energy bills.


Comptons Tennis Club Floodlights

Comptons Tennis Club

LED Floodlight Replacement

Project cost: £40,000

Amount awarded: £5,000

Exchanging metal halide light fittings with far more efficient and reliable LED floodlights will save carbon, energy, and capital over the long-term. Specifically, the Club expect the replacement of the lights will save nearly 2 tonnes of carbon each year, which equates to driving nearly 7,000 miles in a car. In addition, the freed up electrical capacity supports plans with Lower Beeding Parish Council to create on-site electric vehicle charging points.

Raised Bed in Horsham Park's Sensory Garden

Friends of Horsham Park

Sense the Change

Project cost: £12,352

Amount awarded: £2,082

The Community Climate Fund has supported developments for a drought resistant sensory garden in Horsham Park. Watch their video on Twitter that explains their intentions for the grant. The area is free to access and you can follow any project updates via their website:

Picture of a member of Greening Steyning fixing a toy

Greening Steyning

The 2030 Project

Project cost: £13,500

Amount awarded:  £5,000

Greening Steyning have been a highly organised and proactive environmental group since 2010. Their 2030 Project tackles a range of environmental issues to become 'one of the greenest, healthiest and most sustainable communities in the UK'. The initial CCF grant in 2020 helped them to establish a Repair Café, the Active Travel Survey and engage with local schools.

Picture of volunteers at the Greening Steyning recycling station

Greening Steyning

The 2030 Project (Year 2)

Project cost: £7,250

Amount awarded:  £5,000

As the second stage to their 2030 project Greening Steyning has requested funding to increase the reach of their current activities by establishing new ways to involve, inspire and engage with the local community. To do this they have begun to trial certain activities such as the Home Energy helpdesk which aims to provide support to householders seeking to cut their energy bills and carbon footprint. They also want to try to bring nature to life by illustrating the richness of the local countryside using maps. Other activities include things like a Climate café, a sustainable fashion show and wildlife gardens open day, all which they hope will aim to increase public engagement and awareness with environmental issues and help them to enjoy the benefits that nature can bring.

Picture of members of Greening steyning crowded together with an eco homes sign

Greening Steyning

Green Day and Eco Open Houses Event

Project cost: £11,717

Amount awarded:  £4,000

CCF funded Greening Steyning’s Green Day and Eco Open Houses which are a part of their 2030 project which was inspired by the community feeling that “it was time for ordinary people to step in and show that we’re ready to take action to defend our children’s futures.” Their Green Day and Eco Open Houses include hands-on activity stalls available for all ages, a children's ‘Wildlife Adventure’ theatre re-enactment of a wildlife corridor, an EV and e-Bike parade, Open houses showing a wide range of eco-improvements, expert sessions providing more detailed information on particular retrofit approaches such as installing insulation, as well as much more all including members of the local community such as Steyning Grammar school and Steyning festival.

An aerial photograph of Henfield Hall that shows the newly installed solar panels

Henfield Hall

Community Solar in Henfield

Project cost: £27,028

Amount awarded:  £5,000

The installation of 60 PV solar panels represents work with Sustainable Henfield to reduce energy usage across community buildings. This development leaves them hopeful that they can avoid over 10 tonnes of carbon annually, with 40% of this clean energy being exported to the national grid.  Henfield Parish Council and Rampion have also been key supporting players for this project.

Picture of the batteries installed in Henfield hall storage area

Henfield Hall

Battery for Solar

Project cost: £21,251

Amount awarded: £5,000

The hall returned  with another application for the next logical step of their project; batteries to store excess renewable energy.  Estimations indicate potential for the hall's carbon impact to reduce by up to 1.6 tonnes. The Community Climate Fund team were thrilled to see this project progression and the managing trustee team at Henfield Hall were also very grateful to receive the maximum grant for their project, pleased that the council recognise the value of their integrated scheme.

Henfield Haven posing outside of their property for BN5 Magazine in celebration of their CCF award

Henfield Haven

Solar PV Project

Project cost: £30,106

Amount awarded: £5,000

A sustainability feasibility study by Henfield Community Partnership and Sustainable Henfield led to CCF funding a new solar PV array producing an annual output of 23,000 kWh. Operation of the dementia day centre can now continue sustainably and reduce 7 tonnes of carbon annually.

Community organisation representatives pose for a picture in the sports hall where lighting replacement will take place

Henfield Leisure Centre

Sports Hall Lighting Improvements

Project cost: £11,700

Amount awarded: £5,000

This leisure centre upgraded their 30-year-old lighting with 15 LED lighting fittings. They are aiming for a 273% energy reduction and subsequent carbon saving above 2 tonnes. Other benefits include extending product life cycles of lights to 20,000 hours for less waste and financial savings maximising returns for community centre users.

Picture of Henfield youth club in the sun

Henfield Youth Club

Solar PV installation

Project cost: £8,620.63

Amount awarded: £4,310

Installation of 24 solar panels have allowed Henfield youth club (which is a part of Sustainable Henfield’s continuous work, that aims to reduce carbon emissions across Henfield's community buildings). To reduce their Carbon dioxide emissions by 1.2 tonnes per year which has led to annual savings of around £1,350. The youth club specializes in providing social activities for all ages and hosting project nights on some evenings, the space is used as a nursery during the weekdays.

A picture of the finished green roof recycling hub located at Rudgwick playing fields

Holy Trinity Rudgwick

Waste Reduction & Green Roof Shelter

Project cost: £3,134

Amount  awarded: £2,500

Holy Trinity Rudgwick, Rudgwick  Youth Centre and Go Greener Rudgwick have worked collectively to extend community recycling to cover items otherwise missed with kerbside collection.  Our grant helped expand their recycling hub and increase recycling capacity beyond the 400kg deferred from landfill in a previous annual trial.  Also, construction of a green roof will increase ecological stability by attracting pollinators, providing provision for species and absorbing Carbon dioxide.  We look forward to hearing how they will spread waste education and build partnerships throughout the village. More information about their project is available on the District magazine:

Volunteers gathered around a food stall at United Reform Church, Horsham

Horsham Community Fridge

Saturday Pop-up Events

Project cost: £1,830

Amount awarded: £1,000

Financial support from the Council helped scale up the critically important Community Fridge service. This volunteer scheme simultaneously tackles issues of food poverty and food waste that are pressing when facing cost of living and climate crises.  Extra Saturday sessions in different neighbourhoods  means extending outreach of support  for Horsham District residents.  The further savings on food waste converted to around 1.5 tonnes of carbon emissions yearly and strengthen community resilience during times of uncertainty.

Horsham Tennis Club's new LED floodlights photographed on a glorious summer's day

Horsham Sports Club

LED Tennis Courts Floodlights Upgrade

Project cost: £26,050

Amount awarded: £5,000

Horsham Lawn Tennis Club committed to upgrading court floodlights in 2021. The development ensures a leading example for other local sports clubs who similarly wish to reduce their carbon footprint and save money by minimising their energy consumption.

Picture of Dr. bike repairing a bike on a bike stand

Horsham Trafalgar NC

Dr. Bike Maintenance Classes

Project cost: £3,938

Amount awarded: £2,498

These free classes offered core cycling maintenance skills to impower local cyclists with independence and confidence. By promoting a climate friendly alternative to cars, they also matched with their desires to reduce the speed limit in the area with prioritising cycling and walking and improving air quality for all.

Photo of Lower Barn's rainwater harvesting station

Lower Barn Allotment Society

Rainwater Harvesting

Project cost: £4,050

Amount awarded: £2,400

This local society applied resourcefulness, environmental awareness, and collaboration to design an effective water conservation project. They will use funds for the raw materials to complete community DIY to incorporate three water harvesting stations into the community allotment which is accessible to around 100 people. Using typical rainfall and consumption over the past two years, they anticipate decreasing water consumption by 20% and save 27,000 litres per year.

Find your local allotment

An image showing an applicant pointing to where LED replacement lights will be going.

North Horsham PC

Holbrook Tythe Barn LED Replacement

Project cost: £4,152

Amount awarded: £2,076

The barn has upgrade 65 lights with new LED fixtures using professional electrical services. Estimated carbon savings are 1.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions per year due to the efficiency of using LED's. This energy saving then converts into lowered costs on electricity by roughly 20% that can then go towards improving community services.

A young child and an adult woman are gardening in Rock Farm's community garden

One Church, Rock Farm

Community Carbon Sink

Project cost: £28,182

Amount awarded:  £5,000

This investment went towards creating an outdoor space for a carbon-negative farming project with a specialist focus on including the marginalised members of the community.  Here educational programs focus on alternative methods for growing food, including biochar farming and methods to improve soil fertility, as well as for planting trees.

Rock Farm's Manager shares edible flowers with volunteers

One Church, Rock Farm

Carbon-Negative Horticulture Courses

Project cost: £11,000

Amount awarded: £5,000

A series of 1-day courses educating 50+ people of carbon-negative and nature-friendly growing methods. Upskilling 4-6 long-term unemployed/underemployed people to learn horticulture and landscaping and providing employment assistance. Estimated 1.2 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions saved per year, plus any actions from education.

The trustees of Pulborough Social Centre gather outside the village hall

Pulborough Social Centre

Entrance and Foyer LED Lighting

Project cost: £2,330

Amount awarded: £1,930

The proposal to invest in 8 new LED lighting fixtures was accepted during the February 2023 round. These upgrades will produce monetary savings for the community organisation and improve usability for users. It will also help to increase the energy efficiency of the foyer lighting by 73% which then converts into 1 tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions being avoided per year.

Picture of the LED lights in the hallway

Rudgwick Parish Council

LED Lighting in Changing Rooms

Project cost: £1,996

Amount awarded: £1,996

As the council’s first step towards investing in climate action strategies, they will start by replacing 20 lights in the changing rooms of their sports facility with LED’s, specifically the Rudgewick football club changing rooms. This will help reduce energy consumption and subsequently reduce their use of fossil fuels as well as saving money over the long term. It may help avoid 0.116 tonnes of Carbon dioxide emissions per year. Or

Picture of a member of the community hub repairing a hover board

Shipley Community Hub

Relove Preloved Station and Borrow Library

Project cost: £2,150

Amount awarded: £2,150

CCF has funded Shipley Community Hub’s “Re-love Pre-loved station", their “Borrow Library” as well as making improvements to their “Repair Cafe” which all aim to decrease the amount of waste that ends up in landfill sites and reduce Shipley’s carbon footprint. So far their target of repairing 48 items per year would save over 3 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Shipley’s “Repair Cafe” is aiming to go from hosting one repair station a month to three or four as well as offering home fixes for bigger items. Additionally, their “Borrow Library” targets loaning larger items such as Jet Washers to save items being unnecessarily purchased and their “Re-love Pre-loved" also facilitates the selling of second-hand goods.

The Community Climate Fund logo is displayed because a photo of the project is unavailable

Slinfold Tennis Club

New Floodlights

Project cost: £18,679

Amount awarded: £3,000

Switching from 18 metal halide lights to highly efficient LED’s will help the tennis club to avoid the emission of 0.68 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year since they will help to reduce the amount of electricity used by 42%, saving the club roughly £1,526 per year.

Picture of the LED lights in the village hall

Slinfold Village Hall

LED Lighting

Project cost: £4,775

Amount awarded: £2,500

Upgrading 42 light fittings and controls with energy-efficient LED's in the hall will save the village hall 500kWh and 1.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions per annum, whilst sustaining hall user charges for the community. The village hall decided to go ahead with this project since their electricity bill went up from £65 to £300, so by switching to LED they will be able to reduce the amount of energy the hall consumes as well as keep the hall hire charges down as a result.

Picture of the LED streetlights

Southwater Parish Council

LED Streetlights

Project cost: £31,285

Amount awarded: £5,000

By switching 33 sodium streetlights throughout the Southwater area into more energy efficient LED’s the parish council will be able to reduce their energy consumption by roughly 10,377 kWh annually. As well as energy, the LED’s will help to reduce overall costs and increase the quality of the lighting within the area on top of reducing pollution and carbon emissions by 3 tonnes per year. This will help save roughly £3,800.

Community Climate Fund applicant stands with the new heat pumps at Southwater Village hall

Southwater Village Hall

Air Source Heat Pump System

Project cost: £29,700

Amount awarded: £5,000

A successful application eased the cost of installing an air source heat pump to replace a gas fired boiler.  This not only reduces immediate energy use and carbon emissions, but also acts as investment in preparation for future cost and policy changes.  This decision was spurred on by the fact that the village hall works with a lot of young people with compromised immune systems, so it was important that the centre can be a warm space for people to enjoy without costing a fortune to heat.

Springboard's Customer Support Officer holds the smart energy controls


Springboard Green Fund

Project cost: £2,749

Amount awarded: £2,749

The provision of Smart Radiator Valves improved the energy efficiency of their building and a new electronic bike purchase now encourages sustainable mobility for their staff.

Picture of workmen installing the solar panels on the Springboard roof


Springboard Solar

Project cost: £15,726

Amount awarded: £5,000

The Springboard project will be extending on their original application by following up with 23 solar panels which will eventually cover up to 60% of their energy usage. Helping the project reduce fossil fuel dependency by reducing their carbon dioxide emissions by 1.084 tonnes per year. This follows Springboard's goal of mitigating the organisation's impact on future generations as well as educating children and young people on renewable energy and reducing their carbon footprint.

Steyning Tennis Club members huddle outside of the clubhouse on a spring morning

Steyning Tennis Club

New Energy Efficient LED Lights

Project cost: £24,050

Amount awarded:  £5,000

Steyning Tennis Club will shortly replace 12 floodlights with LED capabilities to decrease Carbon dioxide equivalent contributions by 61%, increase the product life of lights by 4-5 times and improve lighting quality for 224 users. As the club says "changing to LED bulbs will provide  the club and local community with significant benefit, including greatly improved energy efficiency, reduced energy costs and a reduction in carbon emissions. The LED bulbs will also provide an improved playing experience for the public and club members who use the tennis courts."

The renovated church garden of St Mark's shows tree planting and hot bin composter

St. Mark's Church

Holbrook Community Orchard

Project cost: £1,000

Amount awarded: £1,000

St. Mark's Church have been accredited with Eco Church recognition. They have been selected to develop their community garden via tree/bulb planting, food recycling, rainwater collection, whilst completing wildlife and local community surveys to review their progress.

Picture of 3 of the members of the church smiling at the nest thermostat installed on the church wall

St. Mary's Church

Thermostat Installation

Project cost: £3,595

Amount awarded: £1,095

By installing 5 intelligent thermostats that use motion sensors to collect data on when and where energy is needed, the church was able to save 10% on gas usage across the building. This helped to remove 7 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year and consequently reduce their spending by £2567.43 per year. This will help to reduce the climate impact in the district whilst also saving a considerable amount of money for the church.

Picture of the new ceiling with the LED lights installed in the church

St. Peter's Church

Church House Insulation

Project cost: £8,170

Amount awarded: £2,500

The Church is using this funding to increase its energy efficiency by insulating the ceiling to help reduce energy usage from heat loss. Since the roof is having to be changed new LED lighting will be installed as well which will also help reduce energy consumption since LED’s are very efficient. After these actions, it is estimated that there will be a 70% reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions and a 55% decrease in electricity usage. These actions will then help lower the overall church running costs and improve the quality of facilities within the church, helping them avoid 1.56 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

Picture of new heat pump

Storrington & Sullington PC

Heat Pump Air Conditioner Replacement

Project cost: £10,980

Amount awarded: £5,000

A 2-phase project to replace 5 heat pump units to reduce energy consumption on heating by 30%. The 800-kWh reduction per year will save 1.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent being emitted per annum.

Picture of the new LED lights in front of the FC building

Storrington Community FC

Replacement LED Lights

Project cost: £2,985

Amount awarded: £2,485

A series of lighting upgrades including 18 circular polo fittings, 13 LED batten, 13 emergency bulkhead fittings, 1x 30w food light and PIR with new protective cage. These measures will present energy reductions of community facilities open to 250+ regular users.

Picture of a sign that describes eco-friendly ways to help the district such as reduce, reuse, recycle

Sussex Green Living

Bright New Future Roadshow

Project cost: £17,000

Amount awarded: £5,000

Sussex Green Living are an award winning charity known for their climate endeavours since 2012.  Financial support was given towards creating an 'Eco Innovation Station' as a retrofitted milk float that tours events across the District. Here individuals can receive information regarding how to reduce their carbon footprint. You can discover more about the project on their website:

Sussex Green Living's Recycle, Repair and Refill milk float opens up for residents

Sussex Green Living

3 R's Roadshow

Project cost: £5,000

Amount awarded: £3,000

The environmental charity will be touring 10 communities across Horsham District. These funday-type events will encourage repair and refill, over replacement. Funding will support refill services, engagement games, waste awareness education, 1 new repair café and 2 new recycling drop off points.

A volunteer holding up a TerraCycle collection box at St Peter's Church, Henfield

Sustainable Henfield

SH2030 - Plastic Waste Reduction

Project cost: £956

Amount awarded: £956

Sustainable Henfield are a well established community group who lead a 10 year plan centred around carbon reduction, biodiversity, consumer issues and transport. The Council's Community Climate Fund supported the recycling of disposable PPE via the introduction of Zero waste bins at strategic points around Henfield. "The project has helped highlight the problems of masks having plastic components being allowed to enter the water stream and hopefully has encourage more responsible mask use and disposal throughout the village".

An image of lighting in Thakeham Primary School classroom before replacement

Thakeham Primary School

Classroom LED Lighting Replacement

Project cost: £1,104

Amount awarded: £1,100

Swapping 10 outdated and failing fluorescent lights for new LEDs in a classroom. It is the final classroom without LED's.

This will increase energy efficiency by 50% subsequently reducing 0.12 tonnes of Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions per annum. This will help improve the learning environment for the children.

Four young people complete gardening activities in the community garden.

Transition Horsham

Community Allotment Outreach

Project cost: £690

Amount awarded: £690

As a local sustainable network, Transition Horsham play a key role in driving climate action within the District. This grant assisted with their desire to extend access to a free and mutually supportive sustainable food producing community. The funds contributed towards developing a ‘heritage bed’, continuing to support over 25 people in seed circles and also expanding the already successful Seedy Saturday seed swap initiative.

"The Community Climate Fund grant has been the stimulus we needed to embark upon solar panels for electricity at The Hub, so we would like to express our sincere thanks to HDC for their support in making the project happen."

Andy  Sharpe (The Hub Beeding Trustee)

A shot of The HUB's newly installed solar panels

Upper Beeding Baptist Church

The Hub Beeding Solar Panels

Project cost: £13,768

Amount awarded: £5,000

Back in November 2022, this key community organisation won funding for an 8kW solar PV array to reduce fossil fuel dependency. The project is now completed and on target to save 25 tonnes of carbon over the next 25 years. The Hub have said they are delighted with energy cost savings,  the climate awareness created in the community and the wider benefit of feeding excess renewable energy into the National Grid.