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Mayes Park

Wet habitat creation at Mayes Park

Our Nature Recovery Award, from the Wilder Horsham District project, is helping to fund wet habitat restoration at Mayes Park near Warnham.

West Sussex Waste Partnership logo

How well do you know your recycling?

Please complete a short survey to share your views on what you recycle and what information would help you to recycle more. The survey closes 30 June 2024.

Green piggy bank image

Helping local businesses become greener

Thanks to funding we have received from the Rural England Prosperity Fund, we have been able to offer support to businesses developing new, sustainable projects.

Tree planting image

Over 2,500 trees planted at Warnham Local Nature Reserve

Over 2,500 trees have now been planted at Warnham Local Nature Reserve following the necessary felling of diseased Ash trees last winter.

Child with snail

Get involved in the new Sussex Nature Recovery Strategy

Regional strategies are a new national approach to reducing biodiversity loss, and everyone in Sussex can take part. Surveys close 30 June 2024.

Warmer Homes - solar panels image

More local residents can now access free home energy savings

A change to eligibility rules for the Government's Home Upgrade Grant helps more residents to benefit from Warmer Homes funding.

Green piggy bank

Funding applications reopen for climate and environmental grants

From 2 April 2024: Find out about three different grants available to support green community initiatives across the District.

Air source heat pump image

Need help deciding on whether to invest in a heat pump?

Find out if your home is heat pump ready and read about a new national scheme to help guide your decision.

Loose vegetables photo

Food Waste Action Week 18 - 24 March 2024

The theme this year is 'Choose what you use', encouraging us all to buy loose fruit and vegetables to ensure that we only buy what we need.

Compost image

National Compost Week encourages recycling of food waste

11-17 March 2024. Home composting is the most environmentally-friendly way of recycling kitchen food waste.

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New Repair Cafe to be launched in Pulborough

Thanks to volunteers these repair cafes help to reduce waste by offering a free service to mend our small electrical, mechanical and textile items.

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Read about our new District-wide Climate Action Group

A network for Parish and Neighbourhood Councils has been set up to support our work on tackling climate change.