A new Carbon Reduction Plan is approved for 2022-2025

Published: 07 Apr 2022

The Council is a step nearer to tackling climate change and improving the natural environment for the District after Horsham District Council's Cabinet approved a new Carbon Reduction Action Plan for 2022 to 2025. This will represent a major milestone in the Council becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

Carbon Reduction Action Plan 2022-2025

Projects include targets to reduce carbon emissions from Council buildings and vehicles, and working to encourage partnerships with suppliers who are sustainable-focused and working to reduce their own carbon emissions. The Plan will embed improved understanding of climate change throughout the Council.

This new updated plan could see the Council’s direct emissions fall by approximately 60% by 2024/25 from the 2019/20 baseline.

£1million allocated

The 2022/23 budget has been allocated £1million to deliver the new action plan. This includes expenditure for installing energy efficiency measures in Council buildings and to replace some of the fleet with electric vehicles, as well as for a two-year part-time environment post to help deliver the Council's climate change plans.

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