Horsham Repair Café reopens 25 September 2021

Published: 23 Aug 2021

A member of Horsham Repair Cafe sits with a sewing machine

The Horsham Repair Cafe will be re-opening our doors on the 25th September at the United Reformed Church as part of the new Sussex Green Hub.

The Horsham Repair Cafe will be re-opening their doors on the 25th September at the United Reformed Church in Horsham.

Often household items may have almost nothing wrong with them, and they could get a new lease of life after a simple repair, so please don’t bin them just yet! Bring any small electrical item that doesn’t work to the café and the team there will do their best to mend it.

The Horsham Repair Cafe can also do some laptop and computer repairs (but not mobile phones) and also have a team of sewing volunteers to help you mend a range of clothing items.

In order that people are seen on time, the Repair Cafe are now offering repairs by appointment. Please visit their website to book a slot.

Find out more about Horsham Repair Cafe