Inspiration Eco Station visits Pulborough on 18 September 2021

Published: 23 Aug 2021

The Eco Station is an old fashioned milk float with Make Earth Cool Again on the front

Thanks to funding from the Council's Community Climate Fund a new Inspiration Eco Station has been created from a 1974 milk float and retrofitted into an environmental display.

Pulborough Village Hall, Swan View, Pulborough RH20 2BF 10am–12.30pm

This Eco Station will be outside the Pulborough Village Hall from 10-12.30pm with a host of volunteers on hand to chat to you about ways you can save money and the planet.

Here you will find displays and conversations around ways to reduce your carbon footprints through waste prevention, recycling, repairing, reuse, refilling, food choices, green energy, saving energy through eco homes and growing your own in your garden.

Pulborough market is held once a month, usually the 3rd or 4th Saturday of the month, and has been running for just over 20 years. There are many wonderful local traders, flowers and plants, fresh local bread, delicatessen foods, homemade cakes and preserves, fresh fruit & Veg, and many great craft stalls selling, cards, ceramics, bags, memory teddies, also beauty products, wood carvings and insets/hedgehogs boxes.

And remember, Buying Local and buying home grown and home made foods also helps to keep your food miles down so contributing to protecting the environment!

There is also a cafe selling hot and cold drinks, cakes, rolls and our ever popular 'fiver fry up'! Entrance and parking is free.

Find out about Pulborough Village Market