Meet one of our Hot Bin Recycling Champions

Published: 20 Aug 2021

The Hall family with their Hot Bin

Our first recycling champions project is a Hot Bin trial. We've given seven Horsham District families a Hot Bin and a food waste caddy each for the kitchen. The families will weigh the food waste they put into the Hot Bin and provide feedback each month. We're looking forward to seeing how they get on!

Our Hot Bin composting trial is growing, with seven households now on board.

Here's what the Hall family had to say about the trial:

"We are keen to take part in the hot bin trial to reduce the amount of waste we need to put into our general waste bin.

We have a digester in the garden but throughout the winter we cannot use it. We hope with the hot bin to be able to put our food waste in it all year round."

What is a hot bin?

Hot Bin can take anything from cooked food waste (including bones) to peelings, tea bags and egg shells, and turn it into rich compost by heating the waste up to 60°C.

The result is a nutrient-rich compost for your garden.

Why composting benefits the climate

Compost benefits the climate in several ways:

  • by reducing greenhouse gas emissions at landfills
  • by promoting uptake of carbon dioxide by vegetation, and
  • by making our allotments and gardens more resilient to the effects of climate change

Find out more about our Hot Bin trial