We are using remoulded tyres to reduce carbon emissions

Published: 12 Aug 2021

Remoulded types on a factory conveyor belt

We are now using remoulded (also known as retread) tyres on our waste and recycling vehicles as part of the Council’s corporate goal to tackle climate change. Each tyre that is remoulded can save around 68 litres of oil and 44kg of rubber on every casing.

Using remoulded tyres

Our Recycling and Waste team are now using remoulded tyres on their vehicles, saving valuable resources and carbon emissions compared to that used to manufacture new tyres.

Why this supports our climate change agenda

The process of remoulding tyres saves 80% of the materials required to manufacture a new tyre, so significantly reducing the impact on the environment.

In addition, remoulding tyres reduces scrapping, exportation and incineration of worn-out tyres which can collectively release thousands of tonnes of carbon into the air.

By using remoulded tyres over the last year, the Council has saved 92 large tyres worth of rubber compound, saving some 56 barrels of oil and 22 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the manufacturing process.

These tyres are also more cost-effective than new tyres, costing around 70% of the price of a brand-new tyre, so reducing running costs for the service. It’s a win-win!