We are making our properties more energy efficient

Published: 20 Aug 2021

A light bulb with a green leaf inside it to indicate green energy

The Government has set out plans to radically improve the energy performance of new homes, with all homes to be highly energy performance, with low carbon heating and be zero carbon ready by 2025.

Rigorous new national targets introduced for a green building revolution

All homes will have to meet these rigorous new energy efficiency standards to lower energy consumption and bills, helping to protect the environment and we are working on how we can meet these targets.

Key requirements:

  • All new residential buildings to be constructed to be highly energy efficient
  • Building work in existing buildings must meet new standards
  • Measures to tackle overheating in existing homes and drive down costly bills for families

How we are making our own Council properties energy efficient

Our Property Services team have already made a start with this by upgrading our Museum and Art Gallery with a more energy efficient power supply and a digitally controlled heating system.

We are currently conducting an audit of all our Council-owned buildings to provide detailed costs for retrofitting and, where practical, installing renewable / low carbon energy technology.

Watch this space for more details as we progress our plans.