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Bee on flower

Bees' Needs Champion Awards 2024

These national awards celebrate exceptional things groups, farmers, businesses or individuals have done to support pollinators.

Sustainable earth

Start the new year knowing your carbon footprint

Your carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by your actions.

The Community Climate Fund logo is displayed because a photo of the project is unavailable

Grant funding opportunities in 2024 for local communities

Find out what funding is available for projects that reduce carbon emissions and benefit the natural environment.

Think before You buy - Xmas 23

Top tips for an environmentally friendly festive season

Ideas to help us to reduce waste and energy, and recycle more during the festive period.

Warmer Homes - insulation image

Do you qualify for free home energy efficiency upgrades?

Find out how to save money and reduce your impact on the environment with this special grant.

Cycling image

Share your thoughts in an Active Travel Survey

Have your say on the future of walking, wheeling and cycling in West Sussex.

SWT and volunteers rewild woodland North of Horsham

Public talk: Nature Recovery at a Time of Crisis

This talk will share inspiring stories on how we can all contribute to nature recovery.

Otter image

Wilder Horsham District celebrates three years of boosting biodiversity

Delivered by a unique partnership project between Horsham District Council and the Sussex Wildlife Trust.

Let's celebrate Recycling Week 2023

16 - 22 October. This year’s Recycle Week theme - The Big Recycling Hunt - focuses on items that can be recycled but are commonly missed in the home.

Funding opens for climate action and nature recovery projects

Applications are once again invited for community project funding to help tackle climate change and/or biodiversity loss.

Looking to become a carbon friendly business?

Please complete a short online survey to help us to help you to become a more climate friendly business. The survey closes Friday 13 October.

Wild flowers photo

Life on the Verge - Greening Steyning's new biodiversity project

Steyning's new Life on the Verge project hopes to inspire other communities to increase the diversity of plants and wildflowers in their own neighbourhoods.