Climate and environment news

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Think Before you Throw - 200,000 tonnes of waste graphic

New animation series encourages us all to ‘Think Before You Throw’

Thank you! Last year you helped the County to reuse or recycle over 200,000 tonnes of waste!

Coffee Pods

Over half a million coffee pods collected by our new kerbside service!

Coffee lovers in Horsham District reach recycling milestone!

Horsham District Council Cabinet Member Cllr Jay Mercer with some of the Recycling , Waste  and Street Cleansing crew

We're reducing our carbon emissions in Horsham town centre

This is another key step for us in achieving our vision for a greener, cleaner environment for the District.

WHD volunteers woodland management photo

Council declares climate and ecological emergency

At a recent Council meeting councillors voted to declare a climate and ecological emergency for the Horsham District.

Adur River - Frank Bull Photography

New survey aims to improve the health of the River Adur

If you visit or live near the River Adur, the Adur River Recovery Project want to hear from you!

EV street chargepoints photo

Share your views on new EV chargepoint locations

Residents’ views are now being sought on the locations for new EV chargepoints in the District.

Say No to Plastics image

Take the Plastic Free July Challenge!

Take the Plastic Free July global challenge by refusing to use single-use plastics.

Lower Barn Allotments group photo

Another successful bid for our Community Climate Fund

Congratulations to Lower Barn Allotments on their successful Community Climate Fund bid.

Climate action survey graphic

Help to shape a greener future for our District

Please complete a short survey to support the District to become carbon neutral by 2050.

Hot bin graphic

Win a £300 Hot Bin in our new competition

Share your top tips on reducing food waste for your chance to win a free HOTBIN!

Wilder Horsham District Wiston Pond project

Apply now for Wilder Horsham District grant funding

Our Nature Recovery Award is now OPEN again for new applications.

Swifts in flight

Supporting Swift boxes in the District

The Swifts Project Team would love to hear from anyone who has knowledge of Swift nests in the Storrington region.