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Shop wisely to save the environment and your bank balance!

Christmas is coming and the sales are on. But do we really need to buy so much? This year why not shop wisely by buying local, buying better or even making your own gifts for that personal touch. Read some top tips.

Major electric vehicle charging point project agreed

A major contract to install electric vehicle charging points has now been signed which is set to benefit thousands of drivers in Horsham District and across West Sussex.

Business grants for a greener future

Find out what opportunities are available for West Sussex businesses to ride the wave of COP26 to boost their own carbon reduction strategies.

Our HVO trial is a success

Switching from diesel to vegetable oil should reduce our fuel carbon emissions by up to 90%

A graphic indicating important elements of the Community Climate Fund, including energy saving, water reduction, cycling, recycling and growing your own

There's still time to apply for two District-wide climate funds

Deadlines are fast approaching to apply for two district-wide climate funds: The Community Climate Fund and the Nature Recovery Award.

Climate Action - Sustainable Travel Top Tips

Everyone can help limit climate change. From the way we travel, to the electricity we use and the food we eat, we can make a difference. Start with these top tips on sustainable travel.

Helping businesses Go Green: Webinar 22 October

Join the Coastal West Sussex Partnership and invited experts to explore what more you can do to reduce your business’ environmental impact and capitalise on rapidly growing markets for low carbon, green solutions.

Countdown to COP26: 31 October to 12 November

In November, Glasgow will be hosting COP26 which will bring together world leaders at this critical time to tackle climate change.

Horsham's 'Great Green Day' a Success

The Great Big Green Week was one of the largest events for climate and nature ever seen in the UK. To celebrate the week a special event took place in Horsham on Saturday 25 September.

Home Energy Support

Get FREE tailor-made home energy advice from the West Sussex Citizens Advice home energy telephone service.

Warm Homes Discount available this winter

You could get £140 off your electricity bill for winter 2021 to 2022 under the Warm Home Discount Scheme, opening on 18 October 2021.

LoCASE energy grants for businesses

LoCASE offers grants of up to £10,000 to environmentally-focused organisations for business growth and energy/resource efficiency projects.