Children and young people's services
We are committed to improving the prospects for children and young people in Horsham District. We support children and young people in a variety of ways including: helping them to have their say, providing places for them to go and improving availability of information and advice.
Horsham Youth Cafe
The Youth Café is open at Horsham Youth Centre, Hurst Road, RH12 2DN for all young people aged 11-18.
A space for young people to meet and hang out with a free Wi-Fi, pool table, Xbox and a café menu with hot and cold drinks and snacks available.
Free drop in sessions take place every weekday from 3pm - 6pm. Payable sessions are also available:
- Monday Buddies SEND (special educational needs and disability) club, 6:30pm - 8:30pm.
- Year 11-13 Student Night on Wednesdays, 6pm - 9pm.

i-Rock Horsham District Support and advice hub
Are you aged 14 - 25? Need to talk?
i-Rock Horsham District is a support and advice hub for young people aged 14 to 25 and living in West Sussex.
i-Rock offer a range of support services to help with issues such as mental and emotional health, relationships, money and benefits, family problems, bullying, housing, education and employment. They can also assist you in accessing specialist support from services if needed.
You can get support and advice from i-Rock Horsham District by dropping in or booking an appointment, either face to face at their centre in Hurst Café (formerly Horsham Youth Centre) or by using their virtual platform, which means you can choose to access the service in the way that works best for you.

Drop in and see i-Rock in person or online: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1pm - 5pm
Book an appointment (Tuesday & Wednesday, 10-5pm)
Hurst Cafe, Horsham Youth Centre, Hurst Road, Horsham RH12 2DN
Telephone 01403 885333

Community Youth Boxing Programme
The World Boxing Council (WBC) Cares UK Community Boxing Programme has fully funded spaces available for young people age 11-17 across the Horsham District.
Tuesday, 5pm-6pm
Chanctonbury Leisure Centre
Wednesdays, 3:30pm-4:30pm
The Weald Community School
Wednesdays, 5pm-6pm
Pulborough Village Hall

Book your free spot today by contacting:
Horsham District Youth Forum
Horsham District Youth Forum meets monthly in Horsham at Hurst Youth Centre from 5pm to 6.30pm. The group looks at campaigning, gives their views on elements of the council's work and takes part in consultations.
They are also looking at campaigning and engaging digitally, and in different areas across the District to ensure a variety of young people can get their voices heard.
Please contact if you are interested in joining or would like to find out more.

Mobile Community Hub (formerly the Snack Wagon)
The Mobile Community Hub has a mobile youth provision that offers support for young people aged between 13 and 18 years in Horsham. Youth Workers from 4TheYouth engage with young people on issues that matter to them, offer light refreshments and can give advice, support and signposting them to other agencies.
Popular topics of conversation include: mental health, education, drugs, alcohol, sexual health, safe driving and other issues affecting young people.
Find out more about the hub and its locations
Useful links for young people
Together with West Sussex County Council, we have put together a list of support services covering a range of issues that may affect children and young people.