Domestic abuse

If you or someone you know are in immediate danger, or if a crime is in progress, always call 999. If you are not able to speak safely, call 999 and follow the Silent Solution guidelines

Domestic abuse can be:

  • Physical violence
  • Emotional abuse like name calling and threats
  • Stalking
  • Sexual abuse
  • Financial control
  • Controlling behaviour

Anyone can experience domestic abuse: people of all genders, ages and ethnicities.

How to get help

There are a range of services nationally and in Horsham District that support victims of domestic abuse. Visit the following websites for more information:

National support

Local support

Pet fostering services

The following organisations provide a retreat for pets or those going into a refuge until the owner has a safe place to live and they can be reunited.

Opting out of the Government emergency alert

On Sunday 23 April there will be a test of the Government's new emergency alert. Mobile phones in the UK will make a loud siren-like sound.

If you have a concealed phone for your own safety, you can switch off the alert to stop the phone from sounding and revealing its location.

How to turn off alerts: Video from Refuge

How to turn off alerts: advice from West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner

Recognising domestic abuse

The following webpages offer simple checks to help you consider whether you are part of a healthy or an abusive relationship.

Things to do to help keep yourself safe

There are some practical safety steps you can take to reduce the risk of harm if you are in an abusive relationship.

  • Speak to a trusted neighbour, friend or family member and arrange a safeword - or perhaps an emoji - that you can text quickly to alert them that you need emergency help
  • If you are in a situation where violence is escalating, try to keep yourself close to exits and away from rooms where you are more likely to come to harm. Consider rooms with secure locks that you can lock yourself into to call for help
  • The Hollie app features silent safeguarding options, including alerting chosen contacts with a shake of your phone
  • If you can, use online and telephone support services, and stay in touch with trusted family members

Report domestic abuse

Call 999 if you are in immediate danger

If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police.

If you are unable to talk, follow the advice of the call handler. This could include communicating in coughs or taps, or you may be asked to press 55 if calling from a mobile phone. Find more details on the government website.

Contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline for support

If you or someone you know are experiencing domestic abuse, visit the  National Domestic Abuse Helpline website or call the 24-hour helpline on 0808 2000 247 for confidential free support.