Horsham District Lottery Fund

The Horsham District Community Lottery Fund offers grants of up to £1,500 to local community projects. Money for the fund is raised through the weekly Horsham District Community Lottery.

Horsham District Community Lottery

Any application to this fund must link with one or more of the Council's priority areas:

    1. Help people through the cost-of-living crisis.
    2. Better understand the needs of our whole community to deliver services that support people to live long, active lives.
    3. Improve access to affordable housing and community services.
    4. Build closer ties with all our housing partners.
    5. Improve vulnerable residents’ access to benefits.
    6. Work with partners to ensure our District continues to be a safe place to live and work.
    7. Create safe spaces for our children to grow and play.
    8. Invest in local arts and leisure and foster civic pride.
    9. Improve access to sports for under-represented groups


The funding is available to organisations that are:

  • Registered as part of the Horsham District Community Lottery
  • Registered Charity
  • Constituted group or club
  • Community Interest Company
  • Social Enterprise
  • School
  • Parish Council
  • Faith group (projects must be inclusive)

The organisation must also:

  • Provide community activities or services within the Horsham District
  • Have a formal constitution or set of rules
  • Have a bank account requiring at least two unrelated signatories
  • Operate with no undue restrictions on membership
  • Have a safeguarding policy for children, young people and vulnerable adults where appropriate.

Assessment criteria

As well as meeting the priorities and aims, the project must also:

  • Take place in the Horsham District
  • Involve local communities
  • Improve quality of life for local residents
  • Demonstrate a need for the project
  • Show additional funding or support (see further details below)
  • Be a new project or show how it adds value to an existing project

It should also try and demonstrate:

  • The group/organisations previous experience/expertise etc
  • Engagement with the local community
  • Lasting impact
  • Any volunteer contribution
  • Whilst match funding is not a requirement of this fund, and you can apply for 100% of the cost of your project or activity, any contributions you can make will strengthen your application.  This could be Support in Kind i.e. show the cost of your volunteer’s time @ £12/hour x 50 hours, or match funding

What cannot be funded

  • Any commercially run activities or events or projects run for the sole benefit of an individual
  • Routine running costs of a group or organisation
  • Any school curriculum based activity
  • Events or activities with the principle aim of fundraising for another organisation
  • Horsham District Council will not support projects that promote specific political or religious views.
  • Training for trustees or fundraisers
  • Applications cannot be for retrospective costs already incurred

Apply for funding

Organisations can apply for up to a maximum of £1,500. You will only receive one grant in a 12-month period.

Submission deadlines are:

  • 31 January – awards made 28 February
  • 30 April – awards made 31 May
  • 30 June – awards made 31 July
  • 30 September– awards made 31 October

Apply now

The form will give you all the information you need and prompt you where necessary however if you require support filling in your application or clarity around if you qualify please contact:  sophia.wilks@horsham.gov.uk

After you apply

After you have submitted your application you will receive an email confirming receipt of your application and your Grant Application Reference number.

You will be notified by email of the outcome.

The Horsham District Community Lottery Funds will be awarded 4 times per year: