Understanding Teenage Behaviour course

Do you find it hard to understand your teenager’s behaviour? Would you like to learn some strategies to improve communication and set boundaries?

Horsham District Council’s FREE 6-week Understanding Teenage Behaviour course has been designed to encourage parents to think about the behaviour of their teenagers and empower them to put in place some simple strategies that will help to improve communication and set boundaries.

Guided by an experienced facilitator, you will be encouraged to think about how your parenting style may be affected by your own beliefs and experiences and how this might impact on the behaviour of your teenager. With lots of opportunities for discussion, ideas and tips to try at home, you will explore how making some simple changes to the way you are communicating can lead to a more positive relationship.

I have gained so much by attending this course. It was so empowering and each week I left the course feeling like I can tackle the challenge of parenting a teenager... Teenagers can be so overwhelming and sometimes get a bad rap but this course demystifies their behaviour, helps you to understand how to be a good parent to them and build a relationship which you will both enjoy.

Course participant

The course helps parents understand why their child may be acting in a certain way and gives them the tools for improving communication, setting boundaries and putting consequences in place. We find that parents who access the course benefit a lot from being able to share their stories and experiences. Parents feel that they aren’t alone and gain the confidence to tackle the issues they are facing.

Course facilitator

To find out more and to register an interest in attending a future course, please click the button below to register your details with our Community Safety team.

Please note that the autumn course is now fully subscribed but you can still sign up to be put on the waiting list for the spring course.

Courses are run face-to-face, in small groups, in locations around the district.

Register now