Community Link

Community Link is a support service from Horsham District Council that enables residents to live independently, by providing affordable access to a range of assistive technology (Technology Enabled Care)
The team can provide a variety of TEC to meet specific needs of its service users, including peace of mind for family and friends that help can be arranged at the press of a button.
Using a person-centred approach, our advisors will discuss what technology and / or partner agency referrals would be best suited to support safety and independence.
The Community Link service is regulated and audited by the TEC Services Association using a robust “Quality Standards Framework” and exceed the essential criteria.
We take great pride in the relationships we build with our service users and strive to maintain a high level of service delivery and continued support.
Below are some of our most popular products, but when you contact us, one of our trained team members can recommend devices based on your current needs.
- Call the team on 01403 215230
- Email us at
- Or make a referral below