Contact us

The Albery House offices for Horsham District Council are open to the public for selected services during our operating hours. Please call us on 01403 215100 before your visit.  

Horsham town centre parking
Travelling by bus into Horsham
Travelling by train into Horsham

You can continue to access Council services online: please help family members and neighbours to access services if necessary.

Contact us about Council Tax and Benefits

Use our dedicated contact form for the Council Tax and Benefits team.

Contact Council Tax and Benefits

Contact the Council online

The easiest way to contact the Council is our general online form. Click the button below to contact us online.

Contact the Council online

Urgent housing and homelessness enquiries

If you are homeless or facing homelessness please complete our online form on the What to do if you are facing homelessness page.

Department contact details

Get in touch by phone or email

Using the Text Relay service

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, you may find the Relay UK service useful when calling us. Once you have downloaded the Relay UK app, you will be able to type your message to us and we'll be able to respond in the same way.

Find out more about Relay UK

Make a comment or complaint

If you are unhappy with the service that we have provided you can share a comment or make a complaint to us easily online.

Make a complaint

The public is entitled and encouraged to contact the Council and to receive replies. Contacts may comprise comments, representations on planning applications, criticisms of a policy which the Council has adopted, information useful to the Council, requests for services or formal complaints. Find out what types of complaints we accept.

Where a matter is sufficiently serious to accord with the definition of a complaint and cannot be resolved through informal contacts or discussion, your expression of dissatisfaction will be treated as a complaint. The Council follows a two stage initial process. A third external process may be available.For information about how we process complaints, please read our complaints procedure.

Find us

Horsham District Council
Albery House
Springfield Road
West Sussex
RH12 2GB

Our offices are only open for selected services. Please call 01403 215100 before your visit.

Disabled access


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