Contact us
The Albery House offices for Horsham District Council are open to the public for selected services during our operating hours. Please call us on 01403 215100 before your visit.
Horsham town centre parking
Travelling by bus into Horsham
Travelling by train into Horsham
You can continue to access Council services online: please help family members and neighbours to access services if necessary.
Contact us about Council Tax and Benefits
Use our dedicated contact form for the Council Tax and Benefits team.
Contact Council Tax and Benefits
Contact the Council online
The easiest way to contact the Council is our general online form. Click the button below to contact us online.
Urgent housing and homelessness enquiries
If you are homeless or facing homelessness please complete our online form on the What to do if you are facing homelessness page.
Department contact details
Use our dedicated contact form for the Council Tax and Benefits team.
- Email:
- Call us on 01403 215151 (answerphone out of hours)
Our surveyors are available to deal with case specific enquiries before 10.30 or after 15.00 Mon-Friday.
A duty surveyor is available to answer general enquiries on 01403 215151 from 15.00 to 17.00 Mon-Friday
Use our dedicated contact form for the Council Tax and Benefits team, who handle Business Rates.
- Email:
- Telephone: 01403 215279
- Email:
- Call: 01403 215 230
Use our dedicated contact form for the Council Tax and Benefits team.
- Email
- Call 01403 215538
- Visit our Get help to find a job webpage
Call 01403 215641 to speak to our team about:
- Animal welfare
- Nuisances
- Food hygiene
- Street trading
- Tattooists and acupuncture
- Caravan licensing
- Drainage
- To pay an invoice by phone, call 01403 215100
- For sundry debtor invoice enquiries, email
Supplier enquiries
Housing Benefits
Use our dedicated contact form for the Council Tax and Benefits team.
Contact Council Tax and Benefits online
Housing Allocations and Advisory Services
- Email
- Call 01403 215204
Contact your Housing Association
Please contact your own Housing Association landlord with any queries regarding:
- Housing Management
- Housing Rents and Arrears
- Housing Repairs
Renovation grants and private renting
Call 01403 215641 to speak to our team about:
- Housing Renovation Grants
- Private Sector Housing (including caravans)
Visit the Horsham District Health and Wellbeing website
- Email:
- Call: 01403 215111
Contact our leisure centres
Fill in the Places Leisure online contact form or call the numbers below to get in touch with our leisure centres.
- Billingshurst Leisure Centre: 01403 787500
- The Bridge: 01403 211311
- Pavilions In The Park: 01403 219200
- High Places Horsham: 01403 219219
- Steyning Leisure Centre: 01403 879666
Contact Rookwood Golf Course
- Visit the Rookwood Golf Course website
- Email
- Call 01403 252123
Contact our cultural venues
Horsham Museum and Art Gallery
- Visit the Horsham Museum and Art Gallery website
- Email
- Call 01403 254959
The Capitol theatre, cinema and cafe
- Visit The Capitol website
- Email
- Call 01403 750220
- Email
- Call 01403 215407
- Email:
- Call: 01403 215358
- Email
- Call 07917 827695
Contact the Horsham District Wardens on Twitter at @HorshamWardens or find individual contact details.
For queries relating to resident and visitor parking permits, and Penalty Charge Notices:
- Email
- Call 01403 215379 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
For queries relating to multi-storey car park season tickets and car park maintenance:
- Email
- Call 01403 215057
For Shopmobility please call 01403 249015.
For queries relating to rural and town centre non-multi-storey car park season tickets:
- Email
- Call 01403 215379 option 3 (Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm)
Open spaces, parks, gardens and sports pitches
Call: 01403 215256
Children's playgrounds
Call: 01403 215256
Trees and woodlands
Call: 01403 215256
Planning applications
For queries relating to Planning applications, call 01403 215187 or email It is helpful if you tell us the Planning Reference Number.
Development management
For Land charges and other Development management queries:
- Email
- Local Land Charges 01403 215472
- Trees 01403 215171
- Development Management 01403 215187
Strategic Planning (including Local Plan)
For queries relating to Planning policy, the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Planning:
- Email
- Call: 01403 215398 (for planning applications and all other planning queries please call 01403 215187).
Commercial and Council-owned property
- Email
Book Horsham Park Barn
- Email or call all 01403 756088
- Please use the online Report forms to report issues to our Waste and recycling team.
- You can also Report a missed bin collection online
Call 01403 733144 to talk to our team about:
- Recycling and waste collections
- Bin orders
- Bulky household waste collection service
- Bulky Bags
- Litter and street cleaning
- Dog waste bin emptying
- Abandoned vehicles
- Fly-tipping
- Recycling Education and Awareness
- Business waste services
- Waste management, education and awareness
- Waste management enforcement enquiries
- Waste minimisation, composting and awareness
For commercial waste enquiries, please email
For sports sessions, children's holiday activities and the Leisure Access Card, contact Horsham District Sports Development.
- Email
- Call 01403 215640
- Email:
- Call: 01403 215191
Grants assistance for voluntary organisations
- Email:
- Call: 01403 215358
Get in touch by phone or email
- If you have an urgent enquiry please phone our customer services team on 01403 215100.
- Email
Using the Text Relay service
If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, you may find the Relay UK service useful when calling us. Once you have downloaded the Relay UK app, you will be able to type your message to us and we'll be able to respond in the same way.
Make a comment or complaint
If you are unhappy with the service that we have provided you can share a comment or make a complaint to us easily online.
The public is entitled and encouraged to contact the Council and to receive replies. Contacts may comprise comments, representations on planning applications, criticisms of a policy which the Council has adopted, information useful to the Council, requests for services or formal complaints. Find out what types of complaints we accept.
Where a matter is sufficiently serious to accord with the definition of a complaint and cannot be resolved through informal contacts or discussion, your expression of dissatisfaction will be treated as a complaint. The Council follows a two stage initial process. A third external process may be available.For information about how we process complaints, please read our complaints procedure.
Find us
Horsham District Council
Albery House
Springfield Road
West Sussex
RH12 2GB
Our offices are only open for selected services. Please call 01403 215100 before your visit.
Disabled access
- There are designated disabled parking bays situated on level 2 of Swan Walk car park. Parent and Baby marked car parking bays are located on level 3 of Swan Walk car park.
- We have two accessible/disabled parking bays by the side of The Capitol Horsham theatre and cinema. There is a pedestrian crossing, and there is level access.
- There are further accessible bays in North Street car park and many regular sized parking bays.
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West Sussex County Council
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Parish and Neighbourhood Councils
Contact your local Parish or Neighbourhood Council.