Ways to vote

Vote by post

If you know in advance that you will be unable to get to a polling station on election day, voting by post is an easy and convenient way to vote.

The easiest way to apply for a postal vote is online. You will need your National Insurance number to hand.

Apply for a postal vote

Your National Insurance number is on your payslip, P60, or letters about tax, pensions and benefits. If you have lost your National Insurance number, you can visit the Government  website for information about how to find it.

If you cannot apply online, you can download an application form, and there are a few ways you can return it to us:

  • You can print the form, sign it and scan or photograph it then email it to elections@horsham.gov.uk
  • You can print the form and return it to us by post: Elections team, Horsham District Council, Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2GB.

For each election, a deadline date is published after which it is not possible to issue postal votes.

How to vote by post

Postal ballot papers are sent out 7-10 days before an election. If this clashes with dates of holiday or absence, you may wish to consider a proxy vote instead.

When you receive your postal vote papers, mark a cross (X) against the name of the candidate you wish to elect and seal your ballot paper in the ballot paper envelope. Sign the Postal Vote Statement and replace both the statement and the ballot paper envelope into the return envelope supplied.

Place the return envelope in the post yourself or hand-deliver it to the Horsham District Council offices. If you can't do that, give it to somebody you know and trust to post it for you. You can also return your postal vote in person at any polling station on the day of the election.

Priority post boxes

Royal Mail manage Priority Post Boxes with later collection times to offer an enhanced collection services. If you have applied for a postal vote, you can find priority boxes in your area by visiting the Royal Mail website.