Budget book

The Budget Book sets out the spending plans for the financial year, which runs from 1 April to 31 March. The budget process begins in late summer every year.

The Budget Book includes details of:

  • Spending on items used within the year, including salaries, stationery and electricity. This is also known as revenue expenditure plans
  • Spending on items with a life extending beyond a year, including buildings, land and infrastructure. This is also known as Capital Budget proposals

Read the Budget Book 2025-26

What is the Budget Book process?

The Budget Book goes through a robust process of internal consultation and challenge from management and Members before final approval of its content and the consequent council tax by elected Members of the Council. The Budget Book is prefaced by the report to Members which recommends the budget to be adopted for the year.

The following factors inform the Budget Book process:

  • The audited accounts for the previous financial year
  • Financial activity in the current year
  • Known changes in legislation
  • Changes in service provision
  • The impact of inflation

Further information is available from Dominic Bradley, Director of Resources, Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2GB.

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