Always listening, learning and improving
A fresh vision for Horsham District

Always listening, learning and improving
We’re stronger when we work together. That means more sharing and more community involvement. Local democracy has to mean more than just an election every four years.
Council Plan Priorities 2023-2027
Click on each priority to see specific actions, goals and targets in our Annual Plan for 2024-2025 below.
- Actively listen to and communicate with residents, businesses and volunteer groups.
- Engage and involve parishes and neighbourhood councils more.
- Improve our understanding and response to inclusion and equality issues.
- Review the Council Constitution to ensure it is fit for purpose, allows for proper scrutiny, and facilitates public engagement.
- Ensure a District-wide balance of focus between rural and urban communities.
- Support residents in getting a locally responsive service from West Sussex County Council’s Highways service on traffic and parking issues.
- Look for opportunities to generate income and reduce costs in order to support our services.
- Review existing strategies and policies and address any gaps identified.
Read the Annual Plan for 2023-2024
Annual Plan 2024-2025

- Actively listen to and communicate with residents, businesses and volunteer groups.
- Review the situation for residents who are unable to access services digitally.
- Promote volunteering to Health and Wellbeing service users with opportunities such as Horsham Green Gym, Men in Shed groups or the various walking groups.
- Engage and involve parishes and neighbourhood councils more.
- Increase engagement with Horsham Association of Local Councils.
- Work with Parish Councils, Traders’ Associations and Community Partnerships to support our High Streets and build business resilience.
- Implement new Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) governance arrangements for the unparished area of Horsham Town.
- Improve our understanding and response to inclusion and equality issues.
- Upgrade our equality impact assessment process and training with specific emphasis on neurodiversity.
- Review the Council Constitution to ensure it is fit for purpose, allows for proper scrutiny, and facilitates public engagement.
- Implement the findings of the Governance Peer Challenge.
- Review the governance and structure of planning committees.
- Ensure a District-wide balance of focus between rural and urban communities.
- Take April 2024 Council to a venue in the South of the District to broaden public engagement and commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Horsham District.
- Support residents in getting a locally responsive service from West Sussex County Council’s Highways service on traffic and parking issues
- Facilitate residents’ reporting of highways issues.
- Look for opportunities to generate income and reduce costs in order to support our services
- Review the fees and charges annually.
- Set out a plan to balance the Medium-Term Financial Strategy.
- Review existing strategies and policies and address any gaps identified
- Create an asset management strategy, including The Capitol, leisure centres and car parks.
- Agree a strategy for the future of Broadbridge Heath running track.
- Develop and implement the Council’s animal welfare policy.