Always listening, learning and improving - Annual Plan 2023-2024

Annual Plan 2023-2024

  1. Actively listen to and communicate with residents, businesses and volunteer groups.
    • Establish a People’s Budget for 2024/25.
      Action completed
    • Review the situation for residents who are unable to access services digitally.
      Action completed
  2. Engage and involve parishes and neighbourhood councils more.
    • Introduce a regular newsletter to parish and neighbourhood councils.
      Action completed
    • Increase engagement with Horsham District Association of Local Councils.
      Action completed
    • Work with parish councils, traders’ associations and community partnerships to support our high streets and build business resilience.
      Action completed
  3. Improve our understanding and response to inclusion and equality issues.
    • Upgrade our equality impact assessment process and training with specific emphasis on neurodiversity.
      Action completed
  4. Review the Council Constitution to ensure it is fit for purpose, allows for proper scrutiny, and facilitates public engagement.
    • Commission a governance peer challenge from the Local Government Association and write an action plan based on its findings.
      Action completed
  5. Ensure a District-wide balance of focus between rural and urban communities.
    • Prepare to take the Council meeting in April 2024 to a venue in the south of the District to broaden public engagement and commemorate the 50th anniversary of Horsham District Council.
      Action completed
  6. Support residents in getting a locally responsive service from West Sussex County Council’s Highways service on traffic and parking issues
    • Inform and promote the opportunity for communities to apply for lower speed limits in their neighbourhoods.
      Action completed
  7. Look for opportunities to generate income and reduce costs in order to support our services
    • Annual review of fees and charges.
      Action completed
    • Review temporary accommodation management to ensure the Council achieves value for money from its properties.
      Action not yet complete
      To commence in June 2024.
  8. Review existing strategies and policies and address any gaps identified
    • Develop a new Council economic strategy for the next five years.
      Action not yet complete
      Commenced May 2024.
    • Review and update the Council's Green Spaces Strategy.
      Action completed