Building a thriving local economy - Annual Plan 2023-2024
Annual Plan 2023-2024
- Fast track new businesses with start-up packages and pop-up shops.
- Seek opportunities to use Horsham District Council owned buildings for incubator and move on units.
Action completed - Use the Rural England Prosperity Fund to support rural businesses and community groups with development grants.
Action completed
- Seek opportunities to use Horsham District Council owned buildings for incubator and move on units.
- Support flexible workers with hot-desking and meeting facilities.
- Identify buildings in the rural area and in Horsham town centre for co-working venues and use money from the Shared Prosperity Fund to contribute to the capital cost of setting up the facilities.
Action completed
- Identify buildings in the rural area and in Horsham town centre for co-working venues and use money from the Shared Prosperity Fund to contribute to the capital cost of setting up the facilities.
- Help deliver Horsham’s first Business Improvement District.
- Hold the referendum for the new Business Improvement District.
Action completed
- Hold the referendum for the new Business Improvement District.
- Pursue public realm improvements in our towns and villages.
- Consult on wide ranging public realm improvements in Horsham town centre.
Action completed - Implement public realm improvements in Queen Street, Horsham.
Action completed
- Consult on wide ranging public realm improvements in Horsham town centre.
- Promote business and culture with new events.
- Secure resourcing for the events programme to continue beyond 23/24.
Action completed
- Secure resourcing for the events programme to continue beyond 23/24.
- Improve digital access in rural areas.
- Continue to lead the West Sussex-wide rural connectivity project board including:
- Working with the Government on Project Gigabit.
- Overseeing the use of West Sussex top up vouchers.
- Reviewing the opportunities for 4G and 5G mobile broadband.
- Continue to lead the West Sussex-wide rural connectivity project board including:
- Campaign for improvements in public transport.
- There are no projects that we will complete under this heading in 2023/24.
- There are no projects that we will complete under this heading in 2023/24.
- Promote Horsham District as a destination for food and drink tourism.
- Develop the Plate Up Local project to get more local food and drink onto local menus and in retailers, including publicity campaigns and networking events.
Action completed
- Develop the Plate Up Local project to get more local food and drink onto local menus and in retailers, including publicity campaigns and networking events.
- Support initiatives to help people find work.
- Hold a job and skills fair to find opportunities for upskilling and employment.
Action completed
- Hold a job and skills fair to find opportunities for upskilling and employment.