Inspiring greener futures
A fresh vision for Horsham District

Inspiring greener futures
We aim to be a net zero council by 2030 and a net zero district by 2050. Horsham District will be held in high regard for best practice in rewilding, regenerative farming and recycling.
Council Plan Priorities 2023-2027
Click on each priority to see specific actions, goals and targets in our Annual Plan for 2024-2025 below.
- Deliver a Local Plan which sets higher environmental standards including net zero building, green gaps and addressing water neutrality.
- Show the way to net zero through engagement with our community and our emerging Climate Action Strategy.
- Create nature diverse places for people to live in.
- Investigate the benefits and opportunities of Biodiversity Net Gain and carbon credits for Horsham District Council and landowners in the District.
- Help businesses and residents to waste less and recycle more.
- Create safer routes for cycling and walking.
- Help residents and businesses to cut carbon emissions and water usage.
- Assist residents and businesses with the insulation of homes and premises.
- Support residents and businesses in switching to green technologies.
Annual Plan 2024-2025

- Deliver a Local Plan which sets higher environmental standards including net zero building, green gaps and addressing water neutrality.
- Develop an offsetting scheme for water neutrality to enable development to start coming forward.
- Show the way to Net Zero through the actions the Council is taking to reduce its emissions, engaging with our community and our Climate Action Strategy.
- Continue to implement the Council’s internal carbon reduction programme.
- Ensure all vehicles purchased for the Council fleet emit very low carbon or are electric.
- Improve the information and advice for residents and businesses on climate change actions and expand the communication channels that are used.
- Expand and embed the Parish and Neighbourhood Climate Action Network.
- Decarbonise and retrofit three Horsham District Council owned homes, as well as decarbonising one block of flats.
- Investigate options to decarbonise Park House, Horsham.
- Replace the lighting in Horsham Park and Council owned properties with energy efficient lighting.
- Investigate options to decarbonise and improve the energy efficiency of the Council’s Leisure Centre’s and remaining Council properties.
- Create nature diverse places for people to live in.
- Establish more wildlife corridors across the district by adjusting our mowing regime.
- Engage with the local community to agree ongoing management of Bramber Brooks.
- Review the use of pesticides and herbicides on Council managed land.
- Investigate rewilding techniques for managing key sites.
- Review the Council’s use of livestock for managing key sites.
- Investigate the benefits and opportunities of Biodiversity Net Gain and carbon credits for Horsham District Council and landowners in the District.
- Work in partnership with West Sussex Councils to develop a local nature recovery network strategy.
- Review the success of the Wilder Horsham District initiative and develop a proposal to extend the project.
- Investigate opportunities across the District to enhance habitats whilst also locking in carbon.
- Help businesses and residents to waste less and recycle more.
- Review our dog waste collection service to ensure it continues to meet the needs of our communities.
- Introduce a new online portal to provide better service provision to Green Waste and Commercial Waste customers.
- Review and explore the feasibility of additional waste prevention and recycling programmes.
- Plan and take necessary actions to prepare for the introduction of a food waste collection service.
- Create safer routes for cycling and walking.
- Implement plans to improve non-motorised access for people in the Bishopric and Carfax.
- Help residents and businesses to cut carbon emissions and water usage.
- Develop a Sustainable Business Network to help businesses reduce their carbon footprint.
- Use the One Planet Tool to increase community collaboration for action on climate change.
- Assess options to provide grants to Registered Providers to improve environmental efficiencies of family homes that would otherwise be lost from the affordable housing sector.
- Assist residents and businesses with the insulation of homes and premises.
- Continue the residential retrofit programme to reduce energy and water consumption.
- Support residents and businesses in switching to green technologies.
- Support County Council initiatives to roll out EV charge points throughout the District.
- Work in partnership with other West Sussex Councils to deliver further rounds of a roof top solar scheme for residents and businesses.