Deductions for non-dependants

Non-dependants usually live, on a non-commercial basis, in the claimant's household.  Some non-dependants pay towards household bills. This money is not counted as the claimant's income.

Deductions for non-dependents are made from your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support. These are not related to the amount a non-dependant may pay you. The deduction amount is set by the government and are applied even if the non-dependant does not pay towards the household bills. The fixed amounts are based on the non-dependant's circumstances.

In the case of a non-dependant couple; only one deduction will be made. The rate of this deduction  will be the highest that will be applied to them individually.  If either couple is working, the gross income is treated as belonging to them as a couple.

In cases where a claimant or partner is aged 65 or more and a non-dependant:

  • moves into the household, or
  • has a change in their circumstances which would increase the level of non-dependant deduction

The resulting change to Housing and/or Council Tax Support entitlement will be delayed for 26 weeks. Unless you are in receipt of  disability premium, which will be lost immediately.

It is important to let us know of any changed which may affect your entitlement.  You should let us know of any changes when they occur.  You can notify us by using our online Change in Circumstances form

Housing Benefit Weekly Deductions 2025/26

Not in remunerative workWeekly HB Deduction
Aged under 25 and on Income Support (IS) or income-based
Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA(IB)) or ESA(IR) which does not include an amount
for the support component or work-related activity component or UC where the
award is calculated on the basis that the non-dependant does not have any
earned income
Aged 25 or over and on IS or JSA(IB), or aged 18 or over and not in
remunerative work
In receipt of main phase ESA(IR) (any age)£19.65
In receipt of Pension CreditNil
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative workWeekly HB Deduction
- gross weekly income: less than £183                                                                              £19.65
- gross weekly income: £183 to £265.99£45.15
- gross weekly income: £266 to £347.99£62.00
- gross weekly income: £348 to £462.99£101.35
- gross weekly income: £463 to £576.99£115.45
- gross weekly income: £577 and above£126.65

Council Tax Support Weekly Deductions 2025/26

IncomeWeekly Deduction
In receipt of state Pension Credit or in receipt of Income Support, Jobseekers Allowance (Income Based, or ESA (income related) or full time studentNil
On Universal Credit without earned incomeNil
Aged 18 or over and in remunerative work : Gross Income 
-gross income less than£266£5.00
-gross income not less than£266 but less than £463£10.20
-gross income not less than £463 but less than £577£12.80
-gross income not less than£577£15.35
-others over 18 years and over£5.00