Make a business rates payment
There are various ways you can pay your business rates bill. The quickest and easiest method is to set up a direct debit.
Please find below details of all our payment methods. If you have been contacted by an enforcement agent, you will need to deal with them directly.
Setting up a direct debit is quick and easy. You’ll need your:
- Business rates account reference number
- Bank name, sort code and branch
- Bank account number
- Name(s) on the bank account
Business rates direct debit form (PDF)
If you want to change your Direct Debit, please complete and return a new form.
You can also set up your Direct Debit over the phone by calling 01403 337800
To pay over the phone, please use our automated service by calling 01403 215645. This service is open 24 hours, 7 days a week. Please ensure you quote your business rates account reference number when making your payment
Horsham District Council’s bank details are:
- Account number: 00000000
- Sort Code: 62-21-52
Please ensure you quote your business rates account reference number when making your payment.