Freedom of Information requests
In this section
Submit a Freedom of Information Request
If your request relates to roads, pavements, traffic management, education, social care or libraries, you should make your request to West Sussex County Council. You can do this below.
Make a request to West Sussex County Council relating to roads, education, social care or libraries
To make a request to Horsham District Council, please email
Alternatively, use our FOI request online form or write to our Information Governance Officer, Horsham District Council, Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2GB
Requests should include:
- your name
- an address to contact you
- a clear description of the information you want
We will reply to you within 20 working days of receipt of your application. If we can't give you some of the information you've asked for, we'll tell you why.
To find out more about your rights under the Freedom of Information Act, go to the Information Commissioner's Office website.
Committee agendas and minutes are available to view free of charge on this website.
Costs limit
Currently, the cost limit for complying with a request or a linked series of requests from the same person or group is set at £450 for public authorities. We can refuse a request if we estimate that the cost of compliance would exceed this limit. This provision is found at section 12 of the Act.
We can refuse a request if deciding whether we hold the information would mean we exceed the cost limit, for example, because it would require an extensive search in a number of locations.
We will tell you as early as possible if the request is likely to exceed £450 so that you have the option to adjust your request to bring it under this limit.
Photocopying and printing
We want to make as much information as possible available free of charge. However, some publications have a cover charge. Where printing, photocopying and posting of documents are required, these may be charged for.
We will tell you as early as possible if any charge is payable. Any charges must be paid before the information being sent. If we have not received payment within 90 days we will close your request.
10p per A4 or A3 black and white or colour sheet.
For Planning enquiries, this fee applies to Planning Decision Notices, Section 106 Agreements, TPOs, Enforcement Notices, and Article 4 Directions.
Horsham Museum charges
Charges for copying original items e.g. historical documents and photographs, including professional handling of delicate objects and photographic quality paper where required:
Photocopy up to A4 | £10 per copy |
Photocopy A3 | £15 |
Photocopy larger that A3 | cost + £15 |
Photograph (if done by customer) | no charge |
Digital image scanned to email | £15 per image |
Digital image saved to disk/CD | £16 per image |
If the image is to be used for commercial reasons cost is £50 per image.
You can ask for an internal review of our decision by contacting the Information Governance Officer. Write to Horsham District Council, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1RL or email