Request to see the data we hold about you (Subject Access Request)

You have certain rights under the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including the right of access to any personal information the Council holds about yourself.

To request a copy of this information you can make a Subject Access Request (SAR).

There are three ways to make a request to Horsham District Council:

We will require the following when you make your request:

  • Proof of your identity. This can be a copy of your passport, birth certificate or driving licence
  • Proof of your address. This can be a recent utility bill or a copy of a Council Tax bill
  • If you are a resident of Horsham District or an employee of Horsham District Council, please tell us.

It is helpful if you can provide a description of the information you are requesting if known, departments that you have had contact with and actual or approximate dates of contact, e.g. copy of my housing file from 2012, copy of my council tax records 2011-2014 inclusive.

A legal representative or any other third party can also make a request on your behalf but we must have clear evidence of your consent. Please see our Request to see personal information about somebody else page.

Subject Access Request form

When will I receive a response?

We must respond to your request within one calendar month from the date that we receive your request and proof of identity. The deadline for responding can be extended for up to three months if your request is complex. We will inform you within one month if we require more time to comply with your request.

If you are not satisfied with our response, you can ask for an internal review of our decision by contacting the Information Governance Officer. Write to Horsham District Council, Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2GB or email

You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office, although they will encourage you to use the council's internal review process first if you have not already done so.


In principle individuals have access to all personal information held about them. However, there are a few exceptions.

For example, personal information may be withheld if giving it to you would be likely to affect:

  • the way crime is detected or prevented
  • catching or prosecuting offenders
  • assessing or collecting tax or duty; or
  • the data identifies other people who have not consented to the disclosure of their information to you (known as 'third party data')

Further information

If you have a question that has not been answered above please email the Data Protection Officer at or view the Information Commissioner's guide to your right of access.