Food safety and health & safety at work service plan
Each local authority is required to produce both an annual plan to address all the areas of the Council's food service delivery and an annual Health and Safety Service Plan, which details the Council's priorities, aims and objectives for the enforcement of health & safety.
The Commercial Team are the enforcing authority for food safety and health & safety at work activities in certain commercial business premises within the Horsham District.
Food Safety
This Service Plan aims to meet the requirements of the Food Standards Agency (FSA) document "Framework Agreement on Local Authority Food Law Enforcement". The FSA regard this as an important part of the process to ensure national priorities and standards are addressed and delivered locally.
Health & Safety
Section 18 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HSWA) puts a duty on Local Authorities to make adequate arrangements for enforcement and this Service Plan has been developed to meet the requirements of the Health and Safety Executives (HSE) National Local Authority Enforcement Code.