Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)

Apply for a HMO licence

If your HMO property requires a licence, download the council’s application pack, which includes:

You must complete all the sections of the application form and ensure that you notify all required relevant parties listed in the application form. Then return your application to us with the appropriate fee and supporting documents.

Application documents


For all HMOs, whether shared house or bedsit, for initial HMO Licence and for renewal of an HMO licence

The application fee will begin at £1,080 for up to 5 bedrooms/bedsits, plus the issuing fee of £50, giving a total of £1,130.  A reduction of £30 will be applied if the application and operational fee is paid at the same time, leaving a total of £1,100.

For larger HMOs, it is calculated from the basic fee of £1,130 for up to 5 rooms plus £60 per room over that.

Number Of RoomsSeparate FeesFee TotalReduced Fee For Payment Upfront
5£1080.00 + £50.00 Admin Fee£1130.00£1100.00
6£1140.00 + £50.00£1190.00£1160.00
7£1200.00 + £50.00£1250.00£1220.00
10£1380.00 + £50.00£1430.00£1400.00
X Rooms£1080.00 + £60.00 (X-5) + £50.00Calculate£1080 + £60.00 (X-5) + £20.00

How to pay

There are three ways to pay your HMO licence fee:

  • Send us a cheque when you send your application back
  • Call us on 01403 215 641 to pay by credit or debit card
  • Come in to the offices at Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2GB and pay by card

Please note that payment only does not constitute a licence application.

Please ensure that you submit, with your application form, copies of all of the relevant documents as detailed on Page 25 of the application form. The issuing of the Licence will be delayed if any of these documents are missing from the application.

What happens next

Once you have submitted your application, we will do the following:

  1. We will review your application and check that it is complete with the correct fee and supporting documents.
  2. We will contact you to arrange to inspect the property to make sure that it is suitable for the number of occupants proposed. The inspection will focus on repair, management, fire safety and availability of amenities, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Checks will also be made to ensure that the proposed licence holder is a fit and proper person.
  3. If we intend to issue a licence, you will be advised of any changes or improvements that need to be made to comply with licence requirements, and a provisional licence will be issued, with conditions. Copies will be sent to all relevant parties.
  4. A full licence can then be granted 14 days later.  It will be valid for up to five years and is not transferable to another person or property.

You must display a copy of the licence at the property for all occupiers to see.

If you are refused a licence, we will notify you and any other relevant parties in writing and refund 50% of the application fee, along with the issuing fee if paid..

If you are refused a licence, or if you disagree with a condition, you may appeal to the Residential Property Tribunal within 28 days of receiving the Council’s notice of its decision.