Apply for housing

We work with housing associations and registered social landlords to provide properties to applicants on the Housing Register. We do not own any housing stock.

The demand for social housing far exceeds supply. Housing is allocated based on need, not according to how long you have been on the list.

View a list of the housing providers we work with

Applying for housing: Your questions answered

To submit a housing application, please click the button below to check your eligibility and apply.

Complete a housing application

Amend your housing application

If you have an application on the Housing Register and would like to update your circumstances, please click the button below to log in to your Housing Jigsaw account.

Log in and amend my application

Help with your account

If you do not have an account, please set one up using our Housing Jigsaw Customer Portal user guide.

If you have any difficulties accessing or creating an account, please email or call 01403 215204.

Nominations policy