Hypnotism permit

Under the Hypnotism Act 1952, anyone giving an exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism on any person or in connection with entertainment to which the public are admitted needs to apply for a permit.

A hypnotism permit costs £92. Separate applications must be made for each venue intended to be used.

Apply for a hypnotism permit

To apply for a hypnotism permit, you need to complete the following steps:

  • Read the hypnotism permit terms and conditions
  • Print and fill in the hypnotism permit application form
  • Return the form to the Licensing Department at Horsham District Council, Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2GB. Applications should be submitted at least 28 days before the performance, otherwise the application may not be determined in time

It takes approximately four weeks to process a hypnotism application. You must wait until the application has been approved before any hypnotism activities can take place.

  • Once we receive your completed application form and have checked the information, we will consult the Police, Fire Authority, Health and Safety, Local Safeguarding Children's Board and relevant ward members.
  • If there are no objections to the application, it can be approved by the Licensing Officer. If there is an objection or any concern about the application, it will be referred to the Council's Licensing Sub Committee for a hearing of the application.
  • If issued, the licence is subject to our hypnotism permit terms and conditions

Discuss an application

If you wish to discuss your application, a failed application, a decision or consent, please call the Licensing Department on 01403 215578 or 01403 215525.

Make a complaint about a performance

If you have a problem with a hypnotism performance, we recommend you contact the performer/venue directly to try to resolve the dispute.

If this is not successful then the Licensing Department may be able to help or contact Consumer Direct, or the UK European Consumer Centre if you live outside the UK.