Personal licence
A personal licence allows the holder to sell or authorise the sale of alcohol in any premises covered by a premises licence.
A personal licence is needed if you intend to sell alcohol or if you wish to be nominated as a ‘Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)'.
The statutory cost of a personal licence is £37
Before you apply please read and refer to:
- Alcohol licensing GOV.UK (
- Accredited personal licence qualification providers (
Then send us the following:
- Application for a Personal Licence - Download from
- Disclosure of criminal convictions and declaration form (
- Two passport photographs endorsed as a true likeness by a solicitor or notary, a person of standing in the community or any individual with a professional qualification (See guidance note )
- Original NVQ Level 2 Personal Licence Holder Qualification Certification
- A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Basic Level check OR a formal disclosure from the police National Database. This must not be more than one month old, not more than one month old
- A share code issued by the Home Office OR Proof of your right to work in the United Kingdom
Please post the above information to the Licensing Team District Council:
Horsham District Council
Albery House
Springfield Road
West Sussex
RH12 2GB
We will consult Sussex Police if you have any unspent convictions, and the Home Office if you have been required to pay a civil immigration penalty or if your right to work documentation is not clear.
Should an objection be received then the Councils Licensing Committee will determine your application.
Term of Licence
A Personal Licence is granted for life or till such times it may be surrendered or revoked; you may only hold one Personal Licence at any time.
A revocation may occur if you are convicted of a relevant criminal offence, have to pay an immigration penalty, or are found to have given incorrect or misleading information in your application.
Change your Personal Licence Details
If you hold a personal licence issued by us you have a duty to notify the authority of any changes to your personal details, such as a change of your name or address. The statutory charge for this service is £10.50. Please use the following form
If your personal licence has been lost or stolen, we can replace it for a fee of £10.50. Please fill in the Lost/Stolen Personal Licence form and send it to the address above.