Premises licence
In this section
Vary or transfer a licence
If you are considering changing your plans, adding regulated entertainment or amending your operating schedule then you may be able to apply for a variation to your licence. Please contact the Licensing Department for details of the fees that apply.
Change the Designated Premises Supervisor
The fee to change the Designated Premises Supervisor is £23. Please fill in our Apply to vary a DPS form
Notify us of a change of address
If you have changed your name or address, please notify us so we can update your licence. The fee for this is £10.50.
Transfer a licence
The fee to transfer a licence is £23. To transfer an existing premises licence to a new applicant, fill in our Apply to transfer a licence form
Interim notice following the death of a licence holder
In cases where the licence holder has died, an interim authority notice can be issued. There is a £23 charge for this service.