Private hire licences

Apply for a private hire operator licence

Anyone who wants to accept private hire bookings must be licensed as a private hire operator. By using a licensed operator, passengers can have confidence that the driver and vehicle are also licensed by us.

A private hire operator must:

  • Ensure that vehicles attend their appointments on time
  • Keep a clean, adequately heated, ventilated premises for booking or waiting
  • Ensure the waiting area has adequate seating
  • Ensure telephone facilities and radios are maintained
  • Keep records of all bookings for a minimum of 12 months

The prices for private hire operator licences vary depending on the number of vehicles you have on your register. The prices below are valid until 31 March 2025.

Number of vehicles Five year licence
Up to 1 £915
2-5 £1550
6-12 £2790
13-25 £5110
26-50 £10.500
51+ £11,720

View the full terms and conditions, View the Taxi and Private Hire: Licensing policy and guidance then fill out the below form and print sign and return it together with the required payment.

Due to maintenance work, this application form is temporarily unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience.