Local Plan Regulation 19

Townscape with buildings, people, trees and river

LATEST NEWS: 16 December 2024

The Local Plan Inspector has published a letter which cancels the Local Plan hearings for the weeks of 17 December, 14 January and 21 January 2025.  A copy of his letter is published on the Latest News from Local Plan Examination webpage.

The Council has drafted a response to this letter: HDC Local Plan Examination Hearings Letter.

The Horsham District Local Plan 2023 - 2040 (Regulation 19) Period of Representation is now closed.

The new Horsham District Local Plan 2023 - 2040 sets out planning policies and proposals to guide development in the District, excluding the South Downs National Park, up to 2040.

What is the Submission Local Plan?

The Local Plan sets out where new development may be allocated, how much affordable housing may be built and includes policies for considering new development proposals such as infrastructure, community facilities, design and heritage and addressing the causes and potential impacts of climate change.

Taking into account the feedback received at previous consultation stages, we have drafted the Regulation 19 Submission Local Plan.  View the Regulation 19 Local Plan here

Your views count: Regulation 19 Period of Representation was held 9am, Friday 19 January until 5pm, Friday 1 March 2024

The Regulation 19 documentation is the next stage of the Local Plan review in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. It takes into account previous consultation feedback, along with the evidence base documentation produced to support the production of the revised Local Plan.

Unlike previous consultations, we are required to ask specific questions which give people an opportunity to comment on how the Local Plan has been prepared, whether its aims are achievable and whether the Regulation 19 Plan is based on a robust evidence base.  We sought views on whether the Regulation 19 Plan is legally compliant and meets the test of 'soundness', as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Your representations from this stage will be submitted with the Regulation 19 Plan for consideration by a Government appointed independent Planning Inspector.

What will happen to my representation?

Any comment received during the period of representation (9am Friday 19 January - 5pm Friday 1 March 2024) will be reviewed and published online, subject to them meeting the standards set out within the Frequently Asked Questions and Guidance for Making Representations.  An updated in relation to the date of publication of representations, will be provided on this page in due course once officers have processed all representations received.  Any comments received outside of this period will not be accepted.

Regulation 19 Formal Notice