Have your say on safety and crime issues in our area
16 Jan 2020
A consultation to shape the priorities for community safety in the Horsham District has been launched recently by Horsham District Council in conjunction with other community safety partners.
Horsham District Council is a lead member of the local Safe and Well Partnership and in order to plan and implement key priorities, it is engaging with residents across the District to gather their views on crime and disorder.
Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Community Matters and Wellbeing Cllr Tricia Youtan said:
To ensure that we are addressing the issues of most concern in our area, we are keen to hear from as many residents as possible about what matters to them.
The more we know, the better we can allocate and target our plans and resources so I would encourage everyone to complete the survey.”
Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Community Matters and Wellbeing Cllr Tricia Youtan
The Council has created the short survey which should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Topics in the survey include:
- how safe you feel
- whether you have been a victim of a crime
- what you feel are the main causes of crime
- what you feel the Safe and Well Partnership should be focusing on.
The online survey opened on 6 January 2020, click here to fill out the survey. If you would prefer a paper version, please email communitysafety@horsham.gov.uk or call 01403 215173.
The deadline for completion is Sunday 16 February and all completed surveys will be entered into a prize draw for a £100 gift card that can be spent in local shops. The survey is anonymous but if you would like to be entered into the prize draw, you will need to leave either a phone number or email address so you can be contacted.
For media queries, please email press@horsham.gov.uk .