Christ's Hospital School planning appeal update
08 Mar 2021
The Planning Inspectorate are currently considering an appeal against the refusal by Horsham District Council of a new all-weather running track, sports centre extension, car park and floodlit 3G sports pitch at Christ's Hospital School (DC/19/1149).
The application was refused by the Council in September 2019 on the grounds that the development would result in significant landscape harm. Since the submission of the appeal, the school have submitted to the Planning Inspector new evidence on the landscape impact, prepared by experienced landscape consultants and in accordance with industry standard methodology.
In light of this new evidence, the Council has sought independent advice from a number of landscape consultants and has reluctantly reached the conclusion that there is now no longer a defensible reason to refuse the application on landscape grounds.
The Council will be shortly advising the Planning Inspectorate of this position. The appeal will remain live and the appointed inspector will continue in his consideration of all aspects of the development before reaching a decision as to whether to grant planning permission. This will include the consideration of all representations made by members of the public and others at both the planning application and appeal stage.
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