Council reaches out to local landlords
18 May 2021
Horsham District Council, in partnership with neighbouring local authorities, has issued a new survey to private landlords and lettings organisations to gather insight about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their tenants.
COVID-19 has affected everyone within local communities with many facing additional health and financial pressures as a result of lockdown restrictions.
Local Authorities across West Sussex are keen to hear from private landlords and letting agents in relation to how their tenants may have been affected since March 2020.
Other councils taking part in the survey are Arun District Council, Adur and Worthing Councils, Chichester District Council and Crawley Borough Council, Mid Sussex District Council and West Sussex County Council.
Commenting on the survey, Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Community Matters and Wellbeing Cllr Tricia Youtan said:
I am really pleased that we are working together with other neighbouring councils to support this survey.
I would encourage as many landlords as possible to take part in the survey and share their experiences so that we can gain an accurate picture about how both tenants and landlords have been affected by the pandemic, then look at what measures can be put in place to help all parties.”
There are a number of options available to not only support tenants but also landlords in maximising income, minimising void rent periods and giving tailored support to maintain tenancies.
The survey closes on 25 June 2021.