New walkway panels in central Horsham showcase highlights of the Horsham District

03 Aug 2021

Vibrant new walkway panels have been installed in Horsham’s Albion Way underpass showcasing the heritage and attractions of Horsham District’s different market towns.

The panels have been designed to complement a series of short films and podcasts celebrating the Horsham District. The films have been produced by Horsham District Council to encourage tourism and support local businesses, reminding everyone that they can have a great day out in the District.

The overall project, called ‘Visit’, takes in the market towns of Billingshurst, Henfield, Horsham, Pulborough, Steyning, Storrington & Sullington, with each area receiving a localised short video and a podcast with an audio tour of the area.

Horsham District Council engaged Whistlestop Arts and the team behind Horsham TV to create the panels and short films, encouraging people to come out and visit their local area, which in turn will help to build a stronger local economy.

Visit Horsham Albion Way walkway panels with Whistlestop Arts Annalees Lim and Luna Russell, Cllr Tony Hogben and Lisa Brace from Bold PR (1)