New waterfront discovery hub declared open at Warnham Local Nature Reserve

22 Oct 2021

Horsham District Council hosted a preview evening for its new Discovery Hub at Warnham Local Nature Reserve on 18 October and conducted a ribbon cutting ceremony ahead of the Hub opening to the public on 25 October, just in time for the half-term holidays.

The preview evening was attended by members of the Council’s Parks and Countryside team, Horsham District councillors and the Friends of Warnham Local Nature Reserve.

The Discovery Hub’s opening week will play host to an exciting variety of free fun activities for school age children over the holidays.

Also opening on the Reserve site is the new Shelley Wildlife Garden.

The Discovery Hub, is a multifunctional space for all our visitors, young and old, to enjoy. Its unique octagonal design and floor to ceiling windows offer beautiful view across the Reserve’s Millpond. It provides an inspiring start to your journey around the Reserve.

Inside the Discovery Hub, you’ll find:

  • Information about the industrial, natural and social heritage of our nature reserve
  • Interactive displays to educate and inform
  • Details of recent sightings on the Reserve and what to look out for during your visit
  • Ample space to accommodate lectures, events and group visits.

Surrounding the Discovery Hub is the Shelley Wildlife Garden, named after the iconic local poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, whose love of the environment has inspired its design. Also now fully open is the Heron’s Rest café.

Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture Cllr Roger Noel commented:

We are really delighted that the Discovery Hub is a now ready for visitors to enjoy.

It is an exciting addition and attraction for all ages at the Reserve, showing off a really unique design and giving amazing views over the Millpond.

It is also home to a vast array of informative and educational experiences, helping visitors to engage with the wildlife, nature and the heritage of our District.

I would encourage everyone to come along and enjoy the experience for themselves.

To celebrate the opening, this half-term from 25 to 29 October, the Council, in conjunction with the Friends of Warnham Local Nature Reserve and Sussex Wildlife Trust, are offering a range of free activities for children of all ages.

From arts and crafts sessions to creative trails and nature activities that let kids get stuck into their surroundings - there’s something for everyone.

Booking for the activities is essential and full details can be found on the Warnham Discovery Hub webpage.