Horsham District Council is launching a new Shop Improvement Grant Scheme for landlords across the Horsham District.
If you own a vacant property in Horsham District, you can apply for a grant of up to £4,000 to improve your premises and make it more attractive and ready for a tenant.
The new scheme will help landlords by offering 50% towards the costs of the improvement work up to the sum of £4,000, with 50% match funding from landlords. This scheme is aimed at making vacant premises more vibrant and easier to renew for long-term tenants.
The eligibility requirements for the scheme include:
- Applicants must be a landlord and own a physical shop presence within Horsham District
- Applicants can only use the grant towards the vacant property for which they are applying
- Applicants must have 50% match funding in place.
Also, due to popular demand, the Shop Improvement Grant Scheme for business owners is reopening with renewed grant funding. If you are a business owner, with a property in Horsham District, you can apply for up to £4,000 to refurbish your outlet with only 25% match funding needed.
Commenting on the new grant opportunities, Cllr Jonathan Chowen, Leader of Horsham District Council and Cabinet Member for the Local Economy said:
I am really pleased that we are now offering funding to benefit landlords in making their vacant properties more attractive for potential tenants.
This very much supports our overall aim to rebuild a stronger local economy as we continue to emerge from lockdown.
I am sure that the funding will have a long term positive impact and will drive interest to the outlets, maximise under-used areas and ultimately improve the overall appeal of the District’s streets and shopping areas.
It is also really positive that we have further funding available to support retailers in the restoration and refurbishment of their outlets.
I would urge as many landlords and businesses as possible to take advantage of the funding on offer.
Cllr Jonathan Chowen, Leader of Horsham District Council and Cabinet Member for the Local Economy
Jonathan Mack Director of Crickmay Chartered Surveyors commented:
We are delighted that Horsham District Council are taking a pro-active approach in offering seed funding to encourage local landlord’s to carry out improvements to their stock.
Not only will this improve the District's retail offer but it will undoubtedly help to fill empty units which will enhance the retail experience in Horsham Town Centre and other trading locations throughout the District.
Jonathan Mack, Director of Crickmay Chartered Surveyors
The Shop Improvement Grants Scheme for Landlords, and the relaunch of the Shop Improvement Grant Scheme for Businesses, will open on 11 January 2022. Applicants will hear within four weeks of applying if they have been successful. Both grant schemes will remain open until all funding has been committed.
For more information and if you are interested in applying please visit our Shop Improvement Grants page.
For media queries please email press@horsham.gov.uk .