Horsham Museum and Art Gallery’s first exhibition of 2022 - Robin Alexander Elliott - Radically Different Landscapes

Published: 07 Jan 2022

Robin Alexander Elliott - Radically Different Landscapes

Horsham Museum and Art Gallery’s first exhibition of 2022 will showcase the work of Robin Alexander Elliott. Robin studied Fine Art at Sidcup School of Art in the 50s under the tutelage of Frank Auerbach, but it was during his time in National Service in the Yorkshire Dales that he was inspired to capture the drama of the Dales landscape on canvas.

The collection to be displayed at the Museum captures the vistas of his travels, reflecting the differences in light and colour between each place. His use of geometric sweeping lines of form and bold colours not only records the landscape, but the mood and atmosphere experienced there. From the views of the deserts of America, the remote hills of Alcaria and Val de Vaca in Portugal to the more intimate settings of French villages and rivers, Robin’s work portrays the unique ambience of each scene.

Within many of his works are details of simplified executions of nature and wildlife, often committed to the canvas using a finely balanced juxtaposition of realism against the geometry of the background. Nature has always been a source of inspiration and intrigue for Robin with the cycle of the seasons, or the relationship between hunter and prey, explored within many of his compositions.

Robin’s bright and vibrant collection is the perfect antidote to the Sussex winter and Horsham Museum and Art Gallery are delighted to be able to showcase these works in the powerful and stunning exhibition Radically Different Landscapes which runs from 20 January until 2 April 2022.

For media queries please email press@horsham.gov.uk .