Horsham District celebrates the Queen’s Platinum milestone by planting a tree as part of the Jubilee celebrations

Published: 11 Mar 2022

Queens Green Canopy tree is planted for the jubilee by Cllr Christian Mitchell HDC Chairman Cllr David Skipp and Cllr Roger Noel in Horsham Park

Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, having acceded to the throne on 6 February 1952, and Horsham District, along with the nation, is set to celebrate it in style.

An extended Bank Holiday, from Thursday 2 to Sunday 5 June 2022, will provide an opportunity for local communities and people throughout the UK and the District to come together to celebrate the historic milestone.

Horsham District Council is working to create a programme of civic and community celebrations over the coming months. The first of these events is the Queen’s Green Canopy – a unique tree planting initiative led by the National Association of Civic Officers (NACO) which invites people nationally to “Plant a tree for the Jubilee”.

The initial tree planting, the first of many across the District, saw Horsham District Council’s Chairman Cllr David Skipp and Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture Cllr Roger Noel and Cabinet Member for Horsham Town Cllr Christian Mitchell plant a Common Lime tree in Horsham Park on 11th March.

The Common Lime (Tilia x europaea) is a native species, which is rare in the wild. It makes a stately tree when fully grown and can reach 30 metres in height. It is good for wildlife, being a food plant for many insects which in turn provide food for hoverflies, ladybirds and birds. The flowers provide nectar and pollen for insects, particularly bees.

Horsham District Council has provided funds and resources to enable trees to be planted across the Horsham District by community groups, Parish and Neighbourhood Councils and schools, led by its Parks and Countryside team.

Commenting on the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative Horsham District Council’s Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture Cllr Roger Noel said:

I am delighted that as a council we are able to support so many different communities in planting a tree for the Jubilee.

In around 20 years’ time, when these trees will be semi-mature, we hope that their canopies will merge to create a beautiful vision for our District.

Planting trees to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee will leave a lasting legacy. Trees are not only beautiful to look at, but they support wildlife, provide cleaner air, reduce pollution levels and mitigate the effects of climate change. Let’s all get involved and support this brilliant project.

Cabinet Member for Horsham Town Cllr Christian Mitchell added:

I am delighted along with so many individual and voluntary groups to play a part to enhance our environment by planting trees for the Platinum Jubilee.  The planting of trees creates a legacy in honour of The Queen’s leadership of the Nation, which will benefit future generations.

With plans to plant over 70 trees commemorating each year of the Queen’s reign during the planting season, the Council’s Parks and Countryside team is already celebrated for its commitment to maintaining and replenishing its wealth of trees across council –owned land and many areas of the District.

While trees are a great way of supporting nature we do need to ensure we are planting the right tree in the right location and with the right permissions. Click on the link below for more guidance if you are thinking of planting a tree in the Horsham District. Also you can record your tree planting activity to the Queen’s Green Canopy national map.

Advice for planting a tree for The Queen’s Green Canopy

Add your tree planting activity to The Queen’s Green Canopy national map

For more details about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and how you can become involved please visit our Queen's Platinum Jubilee webpage.