Horsham shortlisted in UK hunt for the top small business town

Published: 07 Apr 2022

Horsham businesses

Horsham District Council is delighted to announce that Horsham has been shortlisted in a national awards scheme as one of the top UK towns for small business development.

All you need to do now is cast your vote to support the town.

Enterprise Nation, the small business network and business support provider has teamed up with Dell Technologies, in partnership with Intel, to run a nationwide competition to find the UK’s top towns for business.

The initiative aims to shine a spotlight on the UK’s towns and cities that successfully nurture entrepreneurial spirit in order to make a lasting impact on local communities and the economy.

Our nomination for the award is now going to the public vote, so do please support the Horsham District.

Voting is easy. All you have to do is click on the button below:

Vote for Horsham

Commenting on the awards scheme Horsham District Council Leader and Cabinet Member Cllr Jonathan Chowen said:

I am thrilled that the Horsham District has done so well in these nationally recognised awards. We have been shortlisted with only two other areas in England, so this is a major achievement.

It pays tribute to all the hard work that our local towns and businesses have put in recently to support local enterprise.

I believe the importance of our local towns has never been more apparent than during the pandemic and that as a district we have nurtured the perfect combination of business, leisure and commerce to help us thrive.

Do please vote for your District to get it over the line to become the outright winner!

The areas are being assessed on the following criteria:

  • Connectivity including broadband, phone signal and transport links
  • Dedicated workspaces
  • Retail spaces including outlets with short-term leases or pop-up shops, markets and street food areas
  • Networks that allow small business communities to collaborate and swap ideas and information
  • Leadership – active local councils that support start-ups and entrepreneurs.