At a Horsham District Council meeting of full Council on 22 June 2022, councillors agreed to establish a Climate Change Panel to support the development of a Climate Change Action Plan tackling carbon footprint issues across Horsham District.
The Panel will consist of local and national experts who specialise in a range of subjects associated with reducing carbon emissions and preparing for environmental change across the whole District.
The Council is already making great progress in reducing its own direct carbon emissions which are under its control. It has reduced its carbon footprint by using low emission fuels in its waste collection vehicles, introducing more electric vehicles to its fleet and refurbishing its community facilities with more energy efficient technologies, amongst other measures.
All these initiatives will help achieve its target of becoming a carbon neutral council by 2030. However, this will still leave work to be done to reduce carbon emissions across the District.
Commenting on the development of the Action Plan, Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Rural Affairs Cllr James Wright said:
The establishment of a panel experts will contribute greatly to the development of the district-wide Plan for Low Carbon Horsham, making it a more consultative process.
The Panel will ensure the plan is developed with a higher degree of expertise and open discussion, engaging with residents, community groups, parish and neighbourhood councils and businesses alike.
Cllr James Wright, Cabinet Member for Environment and Rural Affairs
The council is already leading on climate change with our own efforts to cut our emissions by 60% by 2025. The Plan for Low Carbon Horsham will continually evolve to identify existing projects, as well as realistic new opportunities.
A revenue budget of some £70K was approved by full Council to facilitate the Plan development and implement a programme of engagement and communications to encourage climate change action.
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