Last chance to have your say on Your Southwater Country Park

Published: 07 Sep 2022

Your Southwater Country Park: Have your say

Time is running out to have your say to help shape priorities at Southwater Country Park.

Under the banner ‘Your Southwater Country Park’, the eight week consultation which started in July will end on 30 September.

The Park, which is owned and managed by Horsham District Council, is a major attraction for all ages and abilities and we want to hear from as many park users as possible about what they like about the Park currently, and what, if any, improvements they would like to see in the future.

We are looking to gain insight from all our visitors, not just local and District visitors, but people from farther afield too, on what they would like to see at the Park.

Some of the topics included in the survey are:

  • Whether existing facilities could be improved
  • What new facilities might be of interest
  • Whether the balance between recreation and nature at the Park is right.

Commenting on the survey, Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture Cllr Roger Noel said:

I wish to thank the many of you who have already shared your views on the park in our survey. In the final weeks of our survey, I would encourage those who have not yet had the chance to let us have your opinions.

We are keen to assess overall satisfaction levels with the Park and highlight any areas for improvement and future development.

Receiving your views will determine where future investments could take place.

Complete the survey