Residents and businesses of the Denne, Forest and Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council areas of Horsham Town voted in a referendum for the Horsham Blueprint Business Neighbourhood Plan on 20 October 2022.
More than 80% of those voting voted in favour of the Horsham Blueprint Neighbourhood Development Plan Referendum.
Both residents and businesses were invited to vote and the results were as follows:
84.8% of residents voted in favour of the Horsham Blueprint Plan.
90.4% of businesses voted in favour of the Horsham Blueprint Plan.
View the full results on our Elections results page.
A core principle of neighbourhood planning is that a referendum is held at the end of the planning process to ensure communities have the final say on whether a neighbourhood development plan can come into force.
This referendum was the last part of the Neighbourhood Plan process before the Plan can be formally made by Horsham District Council, programmed for consideration at the meeting of full Council on 14 December 2022.
As Horsham Town is the main administrative and business centre of the District under the neighbourhood planning rules, the town is designated a ‘business area’ where both residents and non-domestic rate payers got an opportunity to vote.
The Horsham Blueprint itself does not allocate land for development but concentrates on enhancing green infrastructure, supporting local heritage and design and improving the quality of the town centre economy and public realm. When the plan is adopted by the Council, it will carry full statutory weight and will be considered as part the District’s Development Plan and will help determine planning applications in the Neighbourhood Plan area.
If you would like to review the plan please visit our webpage.
Or alternatively a hard copy of the plan and associated supporting documents is available for review by appointment at the Horsham District Council offices. Please contact
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