New shepherd tends the flock at The Human Nature Garden in Horsham Park

Published: 14 Mar 2023

Cllr Roger Noel, Parks and Countryside staff an idverde contractors posing next to the new shepard

Horsham District Council are delighted to unveil a new wooden shepherd to look after the flock of carved sheep at The Human Nature Garden in Horsham Park. Our Parks and Countryside team were joined by Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture Cllr Roger Noel, Cabinet Member for Horsham Town Cllr Tony Hogben, Cllr Ruth Fletcher, and grounds maintenance contractors idverde.

Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture Councillor Roger Noel commented:

The original shepherd was a much-loved character, and I am sure that this new carving will bring just as much joy for families exploring The Human Nature Garden.

Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture, Cllr Roger Noel

The new shepherd was carved by Pixie Mushrooms Sussex Chainsaw Carvings and funded by grounds maintenance contractors idverde from their Community Investment Fund. Darren Pillar, idverde Contract Manager commented:

As part of our grounds contract with Horsham District Council, we had the brilliant opportunity to support the revival of the new shepherd sculpture, after the previous one was damaged beyond repair.

We were thrilled to collaborate with Horsham District Council on this project as we are committed to adding social value to the community and have a longstanding relationship with Horsham. Therefore, providing a sculpture that local residents will enjoy in their area was of great significance to us at idverde.

Darren Pillar, idverde Contract Manager

The Human Nature Garden was opened in 2011 with planting which explores our use of natural resources for food, medicine and clothing, and includes a fantastic grassed amphitheatre area.

New shepard in the Human Nature Garden with his sheep

The original shepherd sculpture ‘Ted’ was carved by Dave Lucas of The Woodland Centre Chainsaw Carvers in late 2012 from a cedar tree which had been storm damaged. Ted had to retire as he had become a little too weathered and this new carving takes his place with the original sheep and sheepdog ‘Treacle’.

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